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Hw can i return image magick error

Posted: 2017-08-12T07:25:34-07:00
by dt59

Code: Select all

exec("magick img1.png -font bitchcakes.ttf -pointsize 50 -gravity center -fill #a1dbe0 -annotate +0+0 'a' -fill #d1d7d4 -annotate +2+2 'Anthony' -fill #e3e8e5 -annotate +3+1 'Anthony resultimage.png",$outp, $return);

if ($return == "0") { echo '<br>Image generation sucssesful<br>'; } 
else { echo '<br>Image generation failed<br>'; } 
i will want to show the error that occur while generating image to help carry out debugging effectively, any idea on hw to do that?