display: crop and save with keyboard shortcuts

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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display: crop and save with keyboard shortcuts

Post by porphyry5 »

In display, <F1> shows the Help info; under Keyboard Accelerators it declares that
C will crop a region, but it does not, perhaps because one must first select a region to be cropped.
Instead one must first press
c and drag to select the crop region, then press Enter to do the actual crop.

My real objective is to acquire the text of this Help info and transfer it to my Notes. But it cannot be selected with Ctrl-A, nor copied, and neither of

Code: Select all

sudo find /usr/share/doc/ImageMagick-7/www  -name '*.html' -exec grep 'Accelerator' {} \;
sudo find /usr/share/doc/ImageMagick-7/www  -name '*.html' -exec grep 'Keyboard' {} \;
gives any return.

Where exactly can I get the text of this Help info?
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Joined: 2011-05-22T10:06:09-07:00
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Re: display: crop and save with keyboard shortcuts

Post by porphyry5 »

For those who would appreciate the text of that Help, yertiz, but sadly it seems this editor has destroyed the alignment:
The effects of each button press is described below, Three buttons are required, If you have a two button mouse, button 1 and 3 are returned, Press ALT and button 3 to simulate button 2,
1 Press this button to map or unmap the Command widget,
2 Press and drag to define a region of the image to maghify,
3 Press and drag to choose from a select set of commands,
This button behaves differently if the image being displayed is a visual image directory, Here, choose a particular tile of the directory and press this button and drag to select a command from a pop-up menu, Choose from these menu items:
If you choose Open, the image represented by the tile is displayed, To return to the visual image directory, choose Next from the Command widget, MNext and Former moves to the next or former image respectively, Choose Delete to delete a particular image tile, Finally, choose Update to synchronize all the image tiles with their respective images,
The Command widget lists a number of sub-menus and commands, They are
File Enhance Image Edit
Open... Brightness... Annotate...
Next Saturation... Draw...
Former Hue... Color...
Select... Gamma... Matte...
Save... Sharpen... Composite...
Print... Dull Add Border...
Delete... Contrast Stretch... Add Frame...
New... Sigmoidal Contrast... Comment...
Visual Directory... Normalize Launch...
Quit Equalize Region of Interest...
Edit Negate Miscellany
Undo Grayscale Image Info
Redo Map... Zoom Image
Cut Quantize... Show Preview...
Copy Effects Show Histogram
Paste Despeckle Show Matte
View Emboss Background...
Half Size Reduce Noise Slide Show
Original Size Add Noise Preferences...
Double Size Sharpen... Help
Resize... Blur... Overview
Apply Threshold... Browse Documentation
Refresh Edge Detect... About Display
Restore Spread...
Transform Shade...
Crop Painting...
Chop Segment...
Flop F/X
Flip Solarize...
Rotate Right Sepia Tone...
Rotate Left Swirl...
Rotate... Implode...
Shear... Vignette...
Roll... Wave...
Trim Edges 0il Painting...
Charcoal Drawing...
Menu items with a indented triangle have a sub-menu, They are represented above as the indented items, To access a sub-menu item, move the pointer to the appropriate menu and press a button and drag, UWhen you find the desired sub-menu item, release the button and the command is executed, Move the pointer away from the sub-menu if you decide not to execute a particular command,
Accelerators are one or two key presses that effect a particular command, The keyboard accelerators that display(1l) understands is:
Ct1+0 Open an image from a file,
space Display the next image, If the image is a multi-paged document such as a Postscript document, you can skip ahead several pages by preceding this command with a number, For example to display the third page beyond the current page, press 3<{space>,
backspace Display the former image, If the image is a multi-paged document such as a Postscript document, you can skip behind several pages by preceding this command with a number, For example to display the third page preceding the current page, press 3<backspace>,
Ct1+S Write the image to a file,
Ct1+P Print the image to a Postscript printer,
Ct1+D Delete an image file,
Ct1+N Create a blank canvas,
Ctl+0 Discard all images and exit program,
Ctl+Z Undo last image transformation,
Ct1+R Redo last image transformation,
Ctl+X Cut a region of the image,
Ctl+C Copy a region of the image,
Ctl+Y Paste a region to the image,
< Half the image size,
= Return to the original image size,
> Double the image size,
& Resize the image to a width and height you specify,
Cmd-A Make any image transformations permanent,
By default, any image size transformations are applied to the original image to create the image displayed on the X server, However, the transformations are not permanent (i,e, the original image does not change size only the ¥ image does), For example, if you press > the X image will appear to double in size, but the original image will in fact remain the same size, To force the original image to double in size, press > followed by Cmd-A,
@ Refresh the image window,
c and drag a rectangular region of the image, press Enter to crop to it
[ Chop the image,
H Flop image in the horizontal direction,
Y Flip image in the vertical direction,
/ Rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise,
Y Rotate the image 90 degrees counter-clockwise,
= Rotate the image the number of degrees you specify,
S Shear the image the number of degrees you specify,
R Roll the image,
T Trim the image edges,
Shft-H Vary the image hue,
Shft-S Vary the color saturation,
Shft-L Vary the color brightness,
Shft-G Gamma correct the image,
Shft-C Sharpen the image contrast,
Shft-Z Dull the image contrast,
= Perform histogram equalization on the image,
Shft-N Perform histogram normalization on the image,
Shft-~ Negate the colors of the image,
o Convert the image colors to gray,
Shft-# Fress to set the maximum number of unique colors in the image,
F2 Reduce the speckles in an image,
F3 Eliminate peak noise from an image,
F4 Add noise to an image,
F5 Sharpen an image,
F6 Delete an image file,
F7 Threshold the image,
F8 Detect edges within an image,
F9 Emboss an image,
F10 Displace pixels by a random amount,
F11 Negate all pixels above the threshold level,
F12 Shade the image using a distant light source,
F13 Lighten or darken image edges to create a 3-D effect,
F14 Segment the image by color,
Meta-S Swirl image pixels about the center,
Meta-I Implode image pixels about the center,
Meta-W Alter an image along a sine wave,
Meta-P Simulate an oil painting,
Meta-C Simulate a charcoal drawing,
Alt-A Annotate the image with text,
Alt-D Draw on an image,
Alt-P Edit an image pixel color,
Alt-M Edit the image matte information,
Alt-V Composite the image with another,
Alt-B Add a border to the image,
Alt-F Add an ornamental border to the image,
Alt-Shft-! Add an image comment,
Ctl-A Apply image processing techniques to a region of interest,
Shft-? Display information about the image,
Shft-+ Map the zoom image window,
Shft-P Preview an image enhancement, effect, or f/x,
F1 Display helpful information about display(1),
Find Browse documentation about ImageMagick,
1-9 Change the level of magnification,
Arrow keys move the image one pixel up, down, left, or right within the magnify window, Be sure to first map the magnify window by pressing button 2,
Press ALT and an arrow key to trim off one pixel from that side of the image,
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