Error: Unable to create thumbnails of possible

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Error: Unable to create thumbnails of possible

Post by phpimage »

I have such a castle problem.
I have my Gallery from server A to server B curbed. Before that I the gallery I would like to Migrate everything that runs on its present term version "1.5" (ie pictures and upload new ones.)
So far so good.
Existing photos are displayed, but I want to upload is not new and it appears at the circuit after the uplode following error message:
Error: Creation of thumbnails is not possible (0)

The following folders are defined with permission 777th
tmp folder on the root of
In the Gallery, the folder "Album
CGI-Bin folder in the Imagemagick (needed for image processing).

The Imagemagick folder I had on the webserver itself in the cgi-bin upload.
is possibly what went wrong?
or what it may be that I can not create tump-pictures.
I use the Gallery of ""

I found the Debuging mode and turned on.
The following came out:

sh: / home2/mypagech/public_html/cgi-bin/ImageMagick66610/convert: No such file or directory

Status: 127 (expected 0)
Error: Creation of thumbnails is not possible (0)

The folder "/ home2/mypagech/public_html/cgi-bin/ImageMagick66610" exists on the webserver

then what is wrong with that?

I've adjusted it and the gallery / imagemagick are really on this new path on the server.

$ gallery-> app-> albumDir = "public_html / gallery / albums";
$ gallery-> app-> tmpdir = "public_html / tmp";
$ gallery-> app-> photoAlbumURL = "http://homepageadresse/gallery";
$ gallery-> app-> albumDirURL = "http://homepageadresse/gallery/albums";
$ gallery-> app-> movie thumbnail = 'public_html / gallery / images / movie.thumb.jpg ";
/ / Optional <i> mirror sites </ i> Omission
$ gallery-> app-> graphics = "ImageMagick";
/ / Optional <i> pnmDir </ i> Omission
$ gallery-> app-> pnmtojpeg = "pnmtojpeg";
$ gallery-> app-> pnmcomp = "pnmcomp";
$ gallery-> app-> IMPATH = "public_html/cgi-bin/ImageMagick66610";
$ gallery-> app-> autorotate = "yes";
$ gallery-> app-> jpegImageQuality = "100";
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