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Can't run Fred's texteffect script

Posted: 2009-05-08T11:25:59-07:00
by mindstorm
I need a Linux guru. I'm running ImageMagick off a LAMP server ( if anyone's curious about server details.) I uploaded Fred's texteffect script to a subdirectory (no file ext was added during download.)


Code: Select all

system("./texteffect -h",$return); 
echo $return;//126 
. I assume running -h should normally echo a help menu of sorts. texteffect chmod was 775. server does not allow setting to 777:
"NOTE: File permissions higher than 775 will not work - "775" should be the highest. "777" specifically will not work - will result in an Internal Server Error - you should use 755 instead."
I then set chmod to 755, and ran the above script, which now returns a 0 and takes longer to process.
I also tried exec("./texteffect -h", $output, $return); and got same results both times.

Any thoughts are much appreciated.

Re: Can't run Fred's texteffect script

Posted: 2009-05-08T11:28:49-07:00
by Bonzo
This is what I had to do to run Freds scripts with php:
Download the script and upload it to your server.
Change the permissions to 755 on the script
Write your php code like this using the full path to the script
// Run the script
exec("/FULL PATH TO AUTOTRIM/ zelda3_border2w.png fred.png 2>&1", $array);
//Display any errors
echo "<br>".print_r($array)."<br>";
echo "</pre>";
When I ran the code I recived an error:
/ line 271: bc: command not found
bc is a calculator that is built into Unix/Linux.

I ran this code to get some information about the path for bc and it did not return anything so I assumed bc was not installed.
I contacted my hosts who installed it and the code worked OK.

echo "<pre>";
system('which bc',$path); print_r($path);
echo "</pre>";
I was also told that I may have been able to install the bc binarys ( although I could not find them ) and use the path to those in the code. I did not need to try that so I do not know if it would have worked or not.
Note the part about "full path to the script", this may be your problem.

Re: Can't run Fred's texteffect script

Posted: 2009-05-08T11:31:24-07:00
by Bonzo
I also renamed his script with an extension of .sh

Re: Can't run Fred's texteffect script

Posted: 2009-05-08T13:07:21-07:00
by mindstorm
Still lost. I appended the .sh to the file, set chmod to 755, tried accessing it through absolute and relative paths (added $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) and got nothing.

the file is being found b/c file_get_contents and file_exists work. I just can't seem to execute it.

Re: Can't run Fred's texteffect script

Posted: 2009-05-08T13:43:39-07:00
by Bonzo
I have just noticed that you have no text or effects.

Code: Select all

exec("PATH TO/ -t \"SOME PLAIN TEXT\" -s plain -e normal -f Arial -p 48 -c royalblue -b white -u lightpink ",$return); 
echo $return;//126 

Re: Can't run Fred's texteffect script

Posted: 2009-05-08T14:15:47-07:00
by Bonzo
Having a bad night - new PC that will not do what I want; having to reinstall the software I want etc. :(

Anyway this worked for me on my server:

Code: Select all


echo "<pre>";

exec("PATH TO/ -t \"SOME PLAIN TEXT\" -s plain -e normal -f bediz.ttf -p 48 -c royalblue -b white -u lightpink text.jpg 2>&1", $array); 
echo "<br>".print_r($array)."<br>"; 
echo "</pre>";

<img src="text.jpg">
bediz.ttf was just a font I quickly found on the net and I uploaded it to the same directory as the php code and the file.

Re: Can't run Fred's texteffect script

Posted: 2009-05-08T14:58:41-07:00
by fmw42
Bonzo wrote:I have just noticed that you have no text or effects.

Code: Select all

exec("PATH TO/ -t \"SOME PLAIN TEXT\" -s plain -e normal -f Arial -p 48 -c royalblue -b white -u lightpink ",$return); 
echo $return;//126 


He is just trying to get the help menu from the script (texteffect -h) and have it returned. That may be the issue. But I don't know how you get text returned from the script in PHP so that it can be viewed from the web page.

The help menu is being echoed to the terminal via a function call that involves unix sed

echo >&2 ""
echo >&2 "$PROGNAME:" "$@"
sed >&2 -n '/^######/q; /^#/!q; s/^#*//; s/^ //; 4,$p' "$PROGDIR/$PROGNAME"

Is sed installed ?


Re: Can't run Fred's texteffect script

Posted: 2009-05-08T15:00:26-07:00
by fmw42
mindstorm wrote:Still lost. I appended the .sh to the file, set chmod to 755, tried accessing it through absolute and relative paths (added $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) and got nothing.

the file is being found b/c file_get_contents and file_exists work. I just can't seem to execute it.

Have you tried supplying the full path manually rather than from some PHP call?


Re: Can't run Fred's texteffect script

Posted: 2009-05-08T15:40:50-07:00
by mindstorm
Success! :D

pathing was not the issue, it's just that the -h cmd wasn't doing anything. I was able to make an image though:


from this:

Code: Select all


echo "<pre>";

exec("./ -t \"SOME PLAIN TEXT\" -s outline -e pinch -d 0.9 -f Times-Roman -p 48 -c skyblue -b white -o black -l 1 -u lightpink text.jpg 2>&1", $array, $return);
echo "<br>".print_r($array)."<br>return =".$return;
echo "</pre>";

<img src="text.jpg">
I also got these errors in the print_r:

Code: Select all

    [0] => ./ line 337: bc: command not found
    [1] => ./ line 338: bc: command not found
    [2] => ./ line 339: [: too many arguments
    [3] => ./ line 252: bc: command not found
    [4] => ./ line 253: [: -eq: unary operator expected
    [5] => ./ line 327: bc: command not found
    [6] => ./ line 328: [: -eq: unary operator expected
I requested the host install bc. Not sure what the other ones are about.

Re: Can't run Fred's texteffect script

Posted: 2009-05-08T15:43:52-07:00
by fmw42
the others are likely errors because bc is not available and the values being returned are not compliant with what is expected by the conditional tests. You must be running on a Windows server, if you don't have bc available by default.
If so, see
and ... 22518.html ... 22522.html

see my note above about the -h option and returning text in PHP. perhaps Bonzo knows how to do that.

Re: Can't run Fred's texteffect script

Posted: 2009-05-09T08:02:15-07:00
by Bonzo
After a lot of trial and error this will display the help section:

Code: Select all

  $output = shell_exec("/FULL PATH TO/ -h 2>&1");
 echo "<pre>$output</pre><hr>";
Again I had to use the full path or else it didn't work.

Re: Can't run Fred's texteffect script

Posted: 2009-05-10T18:41:26-07:00
by anthony
If you ask, maybe Fred will replace the 'bc' dependence in the script with a method of using Imagemagick itself to do the mathematical calculations.

Actually it was Fred himself that came up with the idea of using FX escapes to do floating point mathematical calculations in scripts.

See IM Examples, FX escape expressions.
Also usable in Windows DOS Scripts

Re: Can't run Fred's texteffect script

Posted: 2009-05-11T08:41:04-07:00
by mindstorm
I had the admin install bc and all the errors went away.

Re: Can't run Fred's texteffect script

Posted: 2009-05-11T09:59:39-07:00
by fmw42
In a lot of my (older) scripts, I have used bc, especially if there are lots of calculations that need to be done in a loop. In many of my newer scripts, if timing is not an issue, I have replaced bc with the use of fx calculations to make the script pure IM commands where possible. In some scripts, even though I have replaced bc, I still need sed, tr, sort, wc, grep, expr, etc. So there may still be problems when running my scripts on Windows systems, possibly even with cygwin. Thus some of these unix features may need to be compiled with cycwin. I am not a Windows expert and so cannot say. If anyone has had experience with running my scripts under Windows/cygwin, perhaps they can comment what might be needed, besides bc.

Re: Can't run Fred's texteffect script

Posted: 2009-06-03T15:13:09-07:00
by brishtiteveja
convert: unable to open image `./texteffect_0_717.miff': Permission denied. identify: unable to open image `./texteffect_0_717.miff': No such file or directory. identify: unable to open image `./texteffect_0_717.miff': No such file or directory. convert: invalid argument for option `x': -size. identify: unable to open image `./texteffect_0_717.miff': No such file or directory. identify: unable to open image `./texteffect_0_717.miff': No such file or directory. convert: unable to open image `./texteffect_0_717.miff': No such file or directory. convert: unrecognized option `-distort'. convert: unable to open image `./texteffect_0_717.miff': No such file or directory. convert: missing an image filename `text.jpg'. error

these are the errors i am seeing from my server.below is my code

exec("./ -t \" $text \" -s outline -e arc-top -a 60 -f arial.ttf -p 48 -c black -b yellow -o black -l 1 -u yellow text.jpg 2>&1",$h);
echo $h;

<img src="text.jpg">

help me out.i am getting mad.