Path to coders etc

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Path to coders etc

Post by snibgo »

On Windows 8.1, I tried to upgrade from v6.9.2-5 to 6.9.5-3. It fails for me.

The problem is that v6, like v7, now requires that its directory is on the system path.

Previously, I could run "%IM%convert" where %IM% pointed to whatever installation directory I wanted, and IM would find its files. This no longer works.

It means that a workflow can no longer use integer versus HDRI as required, or different Q-numbers, or pre-built versus home-build development. To do this would require me to constantly change the system path, which is crazy.

Perhaps there is a good reason for this change. If so, what is it? But I think it's a bug.
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Re: Path to coders etc

Post by snibgo »

I had forgotten that for the past couple of years, I've been installing the static (not dll) versions. So the problem may be quite old. The problem doesn't occur with the static versions, so that's my workaround.
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