Converting TTF Fonts to PNG

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Converting TTF Fonts to PNG

Post by jpeni »

I have found that the following DOS batch file works well for converting Symbol TTF fonts to PNG files, but I also want to convert ALL symbols in the Symbol Font. I cant find a way to include the lower case ALPHABETIC and NON-ALPHABETIC and NUMERIC characters in the CONVERT process. Can someone suggest a way to include the lower case ALPHABETIC characters and the NON-ALPHABETIC and NUMERIC characters in the convert batch file.

set f=wingding.TTF
set ps=200
set bg=white
set ext=png
set s=250x250
set alpha=A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z Y Z
set num=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
For %%X in (%alpha% %num%) do (
convert -font %f% -pointsize %ps% -size %s% -background %bg% label:%%X %%X.%ext%)
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Re: Converting TTF Fonts to PNG

Post by snibgo »

Digits and lower-case are as easy as upper-case. Punctuation is messy, with all the escapes needed by the two language processors (Window's cmd, and IM's command parser). It's easier to read the label from a text file, which needs no escapes at all.

If a text file called alphabet.txt contains ...

Code: Select all

... then this command works:

Code: Select all

convert -font wingdings -pointsize 50 label:"@alphabet.txt" x.png
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Re: Converting TTF Fonts to PNG

Post by jpeni »

snibgo: Thanks. The alphabet.txt file works well for creating all symbols in ONE file.

Do you have any recommendations for converting all symbols in the TTF file to individual .PNG files?
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Re: Converting TTF Fonts to PNG

Post by snibgo »

Edit alphabet.txt, inserting a new line after every character. Suppose that file is named abc.txt. Use "for /F" to read every line of that file, and convert it. Don't use the character in the filename. Windows BAT syntax:

Code: Select all

set NUM=32

for /F %%C in (abc.txt) do (
  echo NUM=!NUM!
  %IM%convert -pointsize 20 label:%%C ch_!NUM!.png
  set /A NUM+=1
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Re: Converting TTF Fonts to PNG

Post by jpeni »

snibgo: It did NOT work for me. I even replaced the %IM% with the actual file location of ImageMagick and I entered -font webding.ttf after the convert command. It gracefully goes through the symbols and new line entries, but only generates one file named ch_!NUM!.png. One thing I did notice is that a file that contains NEW LINES after each symbol is changed to CARRIAGE RETURN after each symbol when saved as a .txt file.
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Re: Converting TTF Fonts to PNG

Post by snibgo »

You don't need %IM%.

Insert the line "setlocal enabledelayedexpansion" at the top.
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Re: Converting TTF Fonts to PNG

Post by snibgo »

The same ways as Latin text. My page shows some examples.
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