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Re: Hi server load

Posted: 2011-02-01T12:39:53-07:00
by magick
The command you gave us is putting virtually no load on your system. Can you identify another ImageMagick command that might be causing the load? Otherwise we're clueless about what is causing the high server load.

Re: Hi server load

Posted: 2011-02-01T12:45:16-07:00
by ecoverguru
I took the same command and pasted in a php file... and did a load test... the php file had only this line

Code: Select all

exec("convert 7058_34_12_534.jpg -crop 55x704+0+0 +repage -virtual-pixel transparent -matte +distort Perspective '0,0,0,0, 0,704,5,227, 55,0,12,6, 55,704,16,237' -sharpen 3x2 spine.png");
with this benchmark command
the output was
Benchmarking (be patient).....done

Server Software: Apache/2.2.17
Server Hostname:
Server Port: 80

Document Path: /itest.php
Document Length: 0 bytes

Concurrency Level: 10
Time taken for tests: 59.354598 seconds
Complete requests: 100
Failed requests: 0
Write errors: 0
Total transferred: 24500 bytes
HTML transferred: 0 bytes
Requests per second: 1.68 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 5935.460 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 593.546 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate: 0.39 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)
min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 0 0 0.0 0 0
Processing: 3329 5825 1260.2 5782 11753
Waiting: 3329 5825 1260.2 5782 11753
Total: 3329 5825 1260.2 5782 11753

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
50% 5782
66% 6249
75% 6452
80% 6575
90% 7260
95% 8028
98% 8872
99% 11753
100% 11753 (longest request)

Server load 70.01 (24 CPUs)
Memory Used 3.98% (489460 of 12289768)

Re: Hi server load

Posted: 2011-02-01T12:47:39-07:00
by ecoverguru
Whereas the same php file on the old server.. with same test parameters, has server load of 3.28

I know, its really strange and could be difficult to debug the problem.. but I am more clueless than you being a non-techie :( really not sure where things are going wrong..

Re: Hi server load

Posted: 2011-02-01T12:51:54-07:00
by dimkalinux
Not only pure cpu load may cause high Load Average - it may be high IO-wait (slow or bad tuned harddrive) or bad tuned webserver... too many reasons and no way to check it without ssh access to server.

If u use Cpanel - its have not optimal performance of apache webserver, cpanel oriented on security, not performace.

Old server has same OS/webserver version and configuration?

Re: Hi server load

Posted: 2011-02-01T13:13:15-07:00
by ecoverguru
Yes, I personally setup cpanel with the exact same options from existing server.

I have just asked the datacenter to look into the I/O and if webserver is tuned properly.. the server is with Softlayer...

Morever I have PSM guys do the server maintainance and they have already tweaked the server for higher performance. even so far they are unable find any solution

BTW, the harddive is 300GB SAS 15k

Re: Hi server load

Posted: 2011-02-01T13:17:55-07:00
by ecoverguru
I cross checked, cpanel configuration with old one.. the only difference is in new server "UniqueId mod" is not enabled... would that be the cause?

Re: Hi server load

Posted: 2011-02-01T13:22:44-07:00
by magick
We ran your benchmark on a 2 processor 2.50GHZ Xeon system and got these acceptable results:
  • Benchmarking (be patient).....done

    Server Software: Apache/2.2.3
    Server Hostname:
    Server Port: 80

    Document Path: /itest.php
    Document Length: 0 bytes

    Concurrency Level: 10
    Time taken for tests: 2.321238 seconds
    Complete requests: 100
    Failed requests: 0
    Write errors: 0
    Total transferred: 19000 bytes
    HTML transferred: 0 bytes
    Requests per second: 43.08 [#/sec] (mean)
    Time per request: 232.124 [ms] (mean)
    Time per request: 23.212 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
    Transfer rate: 7.75 [Kbytes/sec] received

    Connection Times (ms)
    min mean[+/-sd] median max
    Connect: 0 0 0.2 0 2
    Processing: 31 226 228.8 144 1418
    Waiting: 31 226 228.9 144 1417
    Total: 31 226 228.8 144 1418

Re: Hi server load

Posted: 2011-02-01T13:28:08-07:00
by ecoverguru
Yes exactly, on a 24core server the load should be negligible.

So I feel there could be following possibilities.

1.. Imagemagick configuration is not correct, which I assume you checked the output and is right?
2.. Some other related library is corrupted or not working properly? I have no idea which other libraries required for imagemagick so we can cross check and reinstall them.
3.. Webserver / Apache is not properly tuned
4.. Hardware issue

Re: Hi server load

Posted: 2011-02-01T15:54:59-07:00
by ecoverguru

I did couple of tests again and the load seems to be normal this time..

that too on much heavier test..
ab -n 1000 -c 100
Server load 4.33 (24 CPUs)

There were 2 different tech guys were working, so I have asked both of them what they have done... I will surely update this thread so it will help others :)

Re: Hi server load

Posted: 2011-02-01T18:40:20-07:00
by ecoverguru
This is really strange.

I asked both the tech guys, and 1 from datacenter said he was about to start investigation was just doing load testing... and the other tech guy said he did not anything extra but just reinstalled new version.

Whereas we still had same problem with new version..

So the conclusion??

I remember I restarted the server once.

And there is problem with this server that some of the services do not restart properly..

So, I just tried to restarted Apache again... that sounds to me like apache was the issue

But anyway, I really appreciate the help "magic" has provided with his prompt replies :)

Thanx again and all the best.