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Re: linux command issue

Posted: 2011-03-18T21:49:38-07:00
by javismiles
thank you for taking the time to help me

convert -version returns this

Version: ImageMagick 6.6.8-5 2011-03-18 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2011 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: OpenMP

thats pretty new isnt it
and again the clut for example executes great from the bash, its from php that it doesnt

can you tell me how to capture the error returns from php?

i read about the spaces, let me see if i understand
in this command

"convert ex1.jpg cluttest2.jpg -clut result.jpg"

are those spaces ok? or do i need extra spaces, i am confused,
there is a single space in between each thing, how do i make sure the spaces are ok,
its the exact same command sent in the linux bash

Re: linux command issue

Posted: 2011-03-18T21:50:40-07:00
by javismiles
and convert -list alpha returns

convert -list alpha

so it seems i have the commands no problem
again they all execute from the bash

its from php that they get crazy for some reason

Re: linux command issue

Posted: 2011-03-18T21:55:42-07:00
by javismiles
i went to the very useful link you gave me
and i added this to my php script to trace errors
ini_set('error_log', 'script_errors.log');
ini_set('log_errors', 'On');
ini_set('display_errors', 'Off');

i also made sure the file was being generated by making an error on purpose,
but im getting no errors at all from that script unfortunately


Re: linux command issue

Posted: 2011-03-18T22:26:57-07:00
by javismiles
i have news

i executed a convert -version > tmp
from php and from bash
and the result shows that php and the bash are accessing different versions, so there are 2 versions of imagemagick installed
now i need to delete the old one, any idea how to do that? do u think once i delete the old one php will pick the new one?

these are the versions :

diff tmp tmp2
< Version: ImageMagick 6.6.8-5 2011-03-18 Q16
< Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2011 ImageMagick Studio LLC
< Features: OpenMP
> Version: ImageMagick 6.2.8 10/20/10 Q16 file:/usr/share/ImageMagick-6.2.8/doc/index.html
> Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ImageMagick Studio LLC

Re: linux command issue

Posted: 2011-03-18T22:32:28-07:00
by javismiles
we need to uninstall the old imagemagick version and keep the new one,
how do we know where is the Path where the system chooses where imagemagick is located
how do we set the path?
thank u

Re: linux command issue

Posted: 2011-03-18T22:39:32-07:00
by javismiles
the PATH of the bash
contains the path to the good newest imagemagick
thats why bash commands execute all perfect

for some reason PHP is not finding the path to the newest imagemagick, instead it finds the old installations of imagemagick
how can we change the path for the php to find the latest already installed version that bash is accessing?

thank u

Re: linux command issue

Posted: 2011-03-19T01:07:39-07:00
by anthony
Your version does sound pretty new.
javismiles wrote:Anthony
we need to uninstall the old imagemagick version and keep the new one,
how do we know where is the Path where the system chooses where imagemagick is located
how do we set the path?
thank u
As I pointed out in another discussion, you can have multiple IM's but you need to keep them separated.
The way I do it is installed the second (new) one in a special directory.

For example into directory /usr/local/imagemagick-v6.6.8-5
I then create a small shells script (say "new_im") to set up the environment to use the one in the above directory, I can then call the command given using...

Code: Select all

new_im convert ....
It runs my 'new' version, and not the system version.


NOTE PHP often restricts PHP scripts from changeing the environment, this method gets around that problem.