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Re: Shadow for transparent animated gif

Posted: 2015-11-19T02:38:26-07:00
by yakobom
One more thing - when I use the code you've posted with another gif I get a very weird behavior - flickering and offset. What can be the problem with that?
Original image:

My result:

The code:

Code: Select all

convert -coalesce -write mpr:img -delete 0--1 \( mpr:img -gravity northwest -extent 200x200% \) null: \( mpr:img -background '#5E5E59' -shadow 55x12-20-10  -flip -virtual-pixel Transparent +distort SRT "%w,%h 0.75,0.25 0 %[fx:1.25*w],%[fx:1.25*h]" \) -background transparent -layers composite -trim +repage animation.gif

Re: Shadow for transparent animated gif

Posted: 2015-11-19T02:40:36-07:00
by dlemstra
What is your version of ImageMagick and your operating system?

Re: Shadow for transparent animated gif

Posted: 2015-11-19T02:55:05-07:00
by yakobom
I am using version 6.9.2-5 which I have built on Ubuntu 14.04

Re: Shadow for transparent animated gif

Posted: 2015-11-19T05:14:17-07:00
by snibgo
In Fred's example, objects near the frame edges didn't move, so the final "-trim" removed the same from each frame.

If you want to crop, you should crop the same amount from each frame.

Re: Shadow for transparent animated gif

Posted: 2015-11-19T05:44:10-07:00
by yakobom
So you are saying that removing the '-trim' should give me a bigger but working gif? I've tried it, it looks pretty much the same (the size does not change, but the black background and flickering remains)

Re: Shadow for transparent animated gif

Posted: 2015-11-19T06:13:27-07:00
by snibgo
"-background None" in the first mpr cures the background opacity. Windows BAT syntax:

Code: Select all

convert ^
  superman1.gif ^
  -coalesce -write mpr:img ^
  -delete 0--1 ^
  ( mpr:img -gravity northwest -background None -extent 200x200%% ) ^
  null: ^
  ( mpr:img -background #5E5E59 -shadow 55x12-20-10  -flip ^
    -virtual-pixel Transparent ^
    +distort SRT "%%w,%%h 0.75,0.25 0 %%[fx:1.25*w],%%[fx:1.25*h]" ^
  ) ^
  -background Transparent ^
  -layers composite ^

Re: Shadow for transparent animated gif

Posted: 2015-11-19T07:40:23-07:00
by yakobom
Thanks a lot guys, this is really helpful.
One more thing I've noticed - following Fred's earlier suggestion for softening the shadow, I tried adding

Code: Select all

'-background white -compose over -flatten'
However if I put it at the end, the animation stops and it becomes a regular image... Where exactly should I put it in order to keep the animation?

Re: Shadow for transparent animated gif

Posted: 2015-11-19T10:25:44-07:00
by fmw42
Sorry, my mistake. I wanted to flatten each frame.

See snibgo's suggestion above about adding -background none. Here is his command in Unix syntax

Code: Select all

convert \
-coalesce -write mpr:img -delete 0--1 \
\( mpr:img -gravity northwest -background None -extent 200x200% \) \
null: \
\( mpr:img -background '#5E5E59' -shadow 55x12-20-10  -flip -virtual-pixel \
Transparent +distort SRT "%w,%h 0.75,0.25 0 %[fx:1.25*w],%[fx:1.25*h]" \) \
-background transparent -layers composite -trim +repage animation.gif

Re: Shadow for transparent animated gif

Posted: 2015-11-19T11:24:36-07:00
by yakobom
Thanks, but I am still missing the way to flatten each frame - can you please help me with that as well?
Many thanks.

Re: Shadow for transparent animated gif

Posted: 2015-11-19T12:47:45-07:00
by fmw42
Same way, just use -background white before the -extent (or some other color, whatever you want)

Code: Select all

convert \
-coalesce -write mpr:img -delete 0--1 \( mpr:img -gravity northwest -background white -extent 200x200% \) \
null: \( mpr:img -background '#5E5E59' -shadow 55x12-20-10  \
-flip -virtual-pixel Transparent +distort SRT "%w,%h 0.75,0.25 0 %[fx:1.1*w],%[fx:0.90*h]" \) \
-background transparent -layers composite -trim +repage animation2.gif

Re: Shadow for transparent animated gif

Posted: 2015-11-19T23:57:48-07:00
by yakobom
Great - I got all I needed. Thanks for the great support.

Re: Shadow for transparent animated gif

Posted: 2017-07-12T06:05:14-07:00
by Arise
I'm trying to add some shadow coming from front/left side lets say...
I've tried all kind of parameters/values but every time the shadow cast is not properly positioned starting at the feet and is badly skewed.
Also, the final image is not maintained at 256x256.

I tried with understanding the previous posts, I've arrived at affine transformations and now I'm stuck... after like 3 days of trying to understand what is going on.

Code: Select all

convert 1.png ^
	-flip +distort SRT "0,0 1,-1 0" ^
          ( +clone -background #5E5E59 -shadow 60x5+0+0 ^
             -virtual-pixel Transparent ^
			+distort Affine "0,256 0,256      0,256  0,256       128,128  128,124 "^
          ) +swap -background Transparent -layers merge ^
          -fuzz 2%% standing_shadow.png
The image I'm using: