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Posted: 2006-05-30T11:31:29-07:00
by magick
Memory should not be an issue since the pixel cache was set to disk. However we have 2GB of memory and we're on a 64-bit Opteron 1.8GHZ. The disk was an external firewire which is relatively slow so we suspect better times on a fast internal disk.

In the mean-time we're putting together a new streaming program for ImageMagick which will be quite fast and consume only a scanline of memory. The initial output will be for the PNM format only but we'll add other formats as well. The only initial options will be to crop or to subsample. We'll add other output formats and options as time permits. It will probably look something like this:
  • stream image.img -extract 100 image-%d.pnm
This command line extracts every 100 scanlines to a new PNM image and only consumes a few megabytes of memory and no disk (other than the disk required for the output image).