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Magick ++ dilate/erode

Posted: 2008-02-17T02:10:36-07:00
by cecchisandrone

I'm using Magick++ and I want to solve this problem. I have the following image. What that I need is to smooth it, to fill holes and make the difference between white and blue more clear. At the end I need only the colors previously existent: black, blue and white, with no shadings.
What kind of transformation do I need to solve this?

Thanks in advance for help.

Re: Magick ++ to fill pixel holes

Posted: 2008-02-17T03:55:03-07:00
by cecchisandrone
I'm thinking about morphological opening/closing (dilate/erode) operations. How can I do them?

Re: Magick ++ dilate/erode

Posted: 2008-02-17T09:00:37-07:00
by magick
ImageMagick does not include a dilation operations, however, you can implement one yourself by using a Magick++ pixel iterator.

Re: Magick ++ dilate/erode

Posted: 2008-02-20T17:42:42-07:00
by anthony
Fred Wienhaus has some command line shell scripts that implements this, but we have yet to find anyone willing to create these image filters inside magick core library.