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Installation problem on Win XP

Posted: 2009-09-15T03:31:14-07:00
by ianmcaulay

I'm newbie to both ImageMagick and PerlMagick (and this forum) but a longtime Perl user. As indicated in the subject line, I'm trying to install PerlMagick on the Win XP box I use as my development box.

The system is 32 bit Win XP pro SP3 and fully updated.

I already had the latest version of ActivePerl installed and working (v5.10.1 build 1006 of 24-aug-09).

I wasn't sure whether to use the DLL or static builds of ImageMagick, but plonked for ImageMagick-6.5.6-0-Q8-windows-dll.exe (I only need 8bpp just now).

On installation, I tried the suggested verification that ImageMagick was working:
convert logo: logo.miff worked correctly.
imdisplay logo.miff failed (I didn't note the error message, but that's no longer relevant)

I downloaded and installed the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package and that fixed the problem with imdisplay.exe. I didn't do further tests, but I believe that I now have a working installation of ImageMagick.

I next tried a simple script using PerlMagick. It compiles correctly, so Perl can see the Image::Magick module (and Image/ is where I would expect it to be in the Perl directory tree).

However, I get a VC++ runtime error when I attempt to run the script: "R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly."

I've searched the forum for other people reporting this error, but the only suggested fix is installing the VC++ redistributable package, which I've done already.

I've clearly missed something, but I can't figure out what. Can anyone help me please?



Re: Installation problem on Win XP

Posted: 2009-09-15T04:35:29-07:00
by magick
We'll issue a new release of the Windows binaries later today. The problem is the side-by-side assemblies which is the standard Microsoft way of making everything more complicated than it needs be. Thanks for the problem report.

Re: Installation problem on Win XP

Posted: 2009-09-15T06:24:08-07:00
by ianmcaulay
Thanks! I'll look out for them.
