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Clip path is not working in x64

Posted: 2012-08-08T22:29:13-07:00
by SeverinP
I'v build VisualDynamicMT project in x64 configuration. ClipImagePath method returns null for 8BIM:1999,2998:#1 path name. But in x32 configuration it returns valid svg xml. The same thing happens with x64 and win32 distributives of IM.

Re: Clip path is not working in x64

Posted: 2012-08-09T20:14:27-07:00
by SeverinP
I'v found a bug. The property.c file has a code:

if (~(1UL*count) >= (MaxTextExtent-1))

On x64 this code runs to false because 1UL is unsigned long and has size = 4, count is __int64 and has size 8, 1UL*count will be casted to signed __int64... So ~(1UL*count) will be negative!

Re: Clip path is not working in x64

Posted: 2012-08-10T04:00:57-07:00
by magick
Thanks for the bug report. We'll get a patch into ImageMagick by sometime tomorrow.