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Convert large Tiff to Jp2 fails

Posted: 2013-03-20T09:00:42-07:00
by anagar
Dear Sir,

I have successfully used the convert command to convert a compress tif file to .jp2, but due to some requirement we need to use raw tiff images which are around the size of 13mb each and convert them to .Jp2. When I use the convert command to do the same to my surprise it fails with the error :-
convert.exe: unable to create image `aaa.jp2' @ error/jp2.c/WriteJP2Image/937.

the command I am using to convert is :-
convert Tst-10001.tif jp2:aaa.jp2

or I have even used :-
convert -limit memory 50mb Tst-10001.tif jp2:aaa.jp2

But none of them worked. I need to generate Jp2 with following parameters:-
convert sample.tif -define jp2:mode=integer -define jp2:numrlvls=8 -define jp2:prg=rpcl -define jp2:lazy con_sample.jp2

Can you please help.