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Conditional Removal

Posted: 2014-02-20T06:30:12-07:00
by salahuddinonline
Hi all,

hope all of you are doing fine, I have a question so I hope this forum can me out of this,

I am using ImageMagick on "ubuntu" and I want to do some conditional removing of images

I have a directory (Named Original ) in which I have more then 100 images, of different sizes such as 700x700, 380x380, 225x225 etc ...
I have another directory Named Processed in which I have same name and same number of images as I have in Directory Original but all images have same size, as 500x500
I want to remove images from Directory Processed if image in the Directory Original is less then 400x400 then remove same named image from Directory Processed.
there is not any other condition applied ..
so is there any one who can help out on this...

Re: Conditional Removal

Posted: 2014-02-20T07:43:32-07:00
by mrmattnc
What you have is the makings of a good bash script. Imagemagick will provide some of the nuts and bolts, but really it sounds like your problem is just getting it to run.

Here is an untested framework that should provide you with the commands you need. These should be put in a file with the .sh extension and executed from the command line. Hopefully there aren't too many bugs, but I haven't had my morning coffee yet so anything is possible.

Code: Select all

# The script looks for images in original_dir that are less than 400x400, and if found removes them from original_dir and processed_dir

#directories we're working on [full path]


#collect a list of the files to check
# if your files are not .jpg, please change the extension
# if there are nothing but photos in there remove name directive entirely
cd $original_dir
find -name "*.jpg" | sed "s/^\.\///" > ~/originalfiles


while read line; do
	#make sure we can actually find the file (spaces and windows only characters can break this)
	if [ -f "$original_dir/$line" ]
		#get their dimensions
		height=$(identify -format "%h" "$original_dir/$line")
		width=$(identify -format "%w" "$original_dir/$line")
		if [ $height -lt $minheight -o $width -lt $minwidth ]
			#if it exists in processed_dir, remove it
			if [ -f "$processed_dir/$line" ]
				rm "$processed_dir/$line"
				rm "$original_dir/$line"
				echo "$line removed, dimensions $width $height" >> "$loglocation"
				echo "$line removal failed (no file found in processed_dir), dimensions $width $height" >> "$loglocation"
			#echo progress indicator
			echo -n "+"
			#echo progress indicator
			echo -n "-"
		echo "ERROR, COULD NOT FIND FILE $line in original_dir"
done < ~/originalfiles
rm ~/originalfiles

Re: Conditional Removal

Posted: 2014-02-20T22:32:34-07:00
by salahuddinonline
Thanks for your response Matt

your script is working fine but its removing images from both directories
actually what I am looking for is

directory original has images 1.jpg (200x200), 2.jpg (1000x1000), 3.jpg(350x350) 4.jpg(400x400))
same images are in directory processed but with same size as 1.jpg (300x300), 2.jpg (300x300), 3.jpg(300x300) 4.jpg(300x300)
so if any image in directory original is less then 400x400 its should be removed from directory processed but without removing images from directory original
I dont wanna create a log for this as well

Re: Conditional Removal

Posted: 2014-02-20T22:46:09-07:00
by mrmattnc
The "rm" commands are 'remove'.
So what you want to do is comment out (by adding a # to the front of the line) or deleting the line so the command doesn't exist anymore. There are multiple lines where these occur.

Code: Select all

            rm "$processed_dir/$line"
            rm "$original_dir/$line"

Code: Select all

            rm "$processed_dir/$line"
            #rm "$original_dir/$line"
or just delete the whole line. You should be able to see it's color change if you're editing this in Notepad++ (windows), gedit (linux/ubuntu), or even VIM if you're a masochist.

To handle not needing a log you've got basically the same options as well. You can either comment out the redirect to file ( the >> "$loglocation" ), delete the redirect to file, delete the whole line, OR you can change the log location parameter to /dev/null

/dev/null is basically a linux blackhole. Whatever you send there is never recorded to file or the command line. I use this exact trick when I'm debugging more complicated scripts. That way you can turn logging back on if you need it later. Whatever your preference is...

Glad I could help!

Re: Conditional Removal

Posted: 2014-02-20T23:50:02-07:00
by salahuddinonline
I want to use this script on multiple and different directories, so I need to change directories as well
as original and processed
leftlarge and LeftCroped
RightMax and Right_Trimmed

dont want to create log

this is not working as I want it to work on different directories

please Simplify this script so I could use it

Re: Conditional Removal

Posted: 2014-02-25T12:13:46-07:00
by mrmattnc
I'll put this here, in addition to the PM sent earlier.

You need to supply the full path in the parameters at the top of the script. I intentionally wrote it this way so it would be portable for you and any other users needing a similar tool. It can also be easily expanded for other functions - it's a framework of basic file checks and processing instead of a barebones script only applicable to your use case.

Put the path to the log file as /dev/null to not save it.

If you need additional help I'm lurking around the Consultation board, or you can consult the bash basics at for building upon what has been posted.