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Missing files in Windows source distribution

Posted: 2015-06-03T22:11:08-07:00
by roelandsch

I just downloaded ... (version 6.9.1-4), and proceeded with the instructions at ... lation.php to create an installer.

I had all checkboxes on the wizard enabled, and I'm using visual studio 2010. I also enabled the MAGICKCORE_INSTALLED_SUPPORT macro.

It went mostly smooth but I had some problems:
  • In the contrib\win32\ATL7\ImageMagickObject folder a few files were missing: MagickCMD.cpp and BuildImageMagickObject.cmd. I copied those over from a 6.9.0 source folder. This directory also contains ImageMagickObject.sln which is useless without a ImageMagickObject.vcxproj.
  • One of the steps requires having a "tar" executable on the path (that's not the case by default on Windows).
And for passing the tests, not a chance. Many tests failed because a crash in gswin32c.exe, which appears to be the ghostscript program. One of the test also crashed the perl interpreter. The other 3 tests listed are missing.
