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Using MagickRotateImage with Lazarus (Pascal)

Posted: 2015-10-19T09:31:59-07:00
by Steve_
Hi, I need some help getting started with the Lazarus APIs. I can display a png image (with the code below) but I can't find a way to rotate the image using: MagickRotateImage(Wand,Background,degrees). Putting it in the code below has no effect. Thanks for any help.

//-----------------------------------Displays the Image in a Lazarus Window-------------------------------------
procedure OpenBitMap;
Bitmap: TBitmap;
wand: PMagickWand;
status: MagickBooleanType;
Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
wand := NewMagickWand;
status := MagickReadImage(wand, PChar(UTF8ToSys('c:\temp\testimage.png'));

LoadMagickBitmapWand(wand, Bitmap);

Form1.Canvas.Brush.Bitmap := Bitmap;