What’s the bare minimum that I need for IM?

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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What’s the bare minimum that I need for IM?

Post by HairyDalek »

After getting a portable self-contained build of IM working on my Mac (yay!) I now find that I have a shed load of folders with many, many files. These folders are:
/bin/ - contains the commands, such as convert, mogrify, etc. (53.5MB)
/lib/ - has some folders and files (16.7MB)
/include/ - contains a folder with more folders, and those contain files ending in .h (762KB)
/share/ - seems to contain documentation (13.2MB)
/etc/ - contains a folder of .xml files (238KB)

Which of these can safely be tossed? I expect the /share/folder can as it’s just documentation, and is 13mb in size on its own. The lib folder is also large - but is it necessary? Do I need what’s in the include folder? Those .h files are, I think, something to do with the compiling, but as this is after the fact, are they actually needed? The entire folder structure contains around 1200 files.

Just want to slim down a folder that’s around 84MB in size! My assumption is that everything other than the bin folder can go, but I could be wrong here.

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Re: What’s the bare minimum that I need for IM?

Post by snibgo »

Beware of deleting the XML files. Some of these are used at run-time.
snibgo's IM pages: im.snibgo.com
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