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[HELP ME] Install ImageMagick in Centos 6.7, Security and affect to system Apache, PHP

Posted: 2016-10-24T02:59:37-07:00
by tiennm-aoi-sys
My Server Dev:
OS: Centos 6.7
Web Server: Apache, PHP

I install ImageMagick by:
If you have not installed the epel repository, install it now.

wget ... noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh epel-release-6*.rpm
Next, install the remi repository:

wget ... ease-6.rpm
rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm
An additional step is required to enable the remi repository:

Use your favorite text editor to open /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo. Look for the remi section and find enabled=0 and change it to enabled=1.

Make sure that the required dependencies are installed:

yum install -y gcc php-devel php-pear
Then install ImageMagick:

yum install -y ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel
From: ... n-centos-6

And it install Success

I have 1 Server Centos 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 and Install ImageMagick to that server. My Client consufused with me, after install ImageMagick, it affect to system Apache, PHP anh more Service on Server Centos And consufused to Server Security?

Please give me a useful advice!

Thanks very much.

Re: [HELP ME] Install ImageMagick in Centos 6.7, Security and affect to system Apache, PHP

Posted: 2016-10-24T09:14:06-07:00
by Mahir
hello my friends , I have one problem.
I have installed download and install ImageMagick from same place.
But on my phpinfo section I get:"ImageMagick supported formats has no
Can you help me pls.

Re: [HELP ME] Install ImageMagick in Centos 6.7, Security and affect to system Apache, PHP

Posted: 2016-10-24T18:18:39-07:00
by tiennm-aoi-sys
please provided for me, your system? i can help you this issue.

Re: [HELP ME] Install ImageMagick in Centos 6.7, Security and affect to system Apache, PHP

Posted: 2016-10-26T10:28:48-07:00
by Mahir
windows 7, 64 bit
I hope you wil help me :)

Re: [HELP ME] Install ImageMagick in Centos 6.7, Security and affect to system Apache, PHP

Posted: 2016-10-26T12:16:46-07:00
by fmw42
Are you trying to use Imagemagick or Imagick? They are different.

In what directory is Imagemagick installed?

Code: Select all

type -a convert
may tell you if you have multiple versions of Imagemagick?

Sorry I know nothing about installing to Linux (Centos).

Re: [HELP ME] Install ImageMagick in Centos 6.7, Security and affect to system Apache, PHP

Posted: 2016-10-26T12:20:15-07:00
by fmw42
Did you install Imagemgick from source or from binary distribution? If from source, you have to install all delegates manually from their source files before installing Imagemagick.

Re: [HELP ME] Install ImageMagick in Centos 6.7, Security and affect to system Apache, PHP

Posted: 2016-10-26T12:59:26-07:00
by Mahir
I am trying use imagick,and I installend in C:\imagemagick directory.
I instaled also from binary distribution.

Re: [HELP ME] Install ImageMagick in Centos 6.7, Security and affect to system Apache, PHP

Posted: 2016-10-26T14:39:06-07:00
by fmw42
Imagick and Imagemagick are two different things. You need to install Imagemagick first, then Imagick. But I am not an expert on doing either on Windows.