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Imagemagick Install question

Posted: 2016-11-05T14:31:11-07:00
by Don

I am thinking about upgrading my imagemagick on my linux machine soon and prior I installed via source. I see now that there is a RPM package at which is easier to install with.

My question is, would there be a problem if I upgraded via RPM since prior versions I installed via source? Does the RPM install remove any previous versions of imagemagick?

Thank you in advance.

Re: Imagemagick Install question

Posted: 2016-11-05T14:45:14-07:00
by fmw42
I do not know what is removed. (I am on a Mac). But consider that you may install and then have different versions in different locations causing a conflict. So I would recommend uninstalling the old version before installing the new version. See ... .php#build ... .php#linux

Re: Imagemagick Install question

Posted: 2016-11-05T16:13:12-07:00
by Don
Thank you for the response and links.

I'll just go ahead and continue with installing from source but first uninstall previous version via make uninstall.

Another question, even if everything is working with current install IM, would it be advisable to always upgrade your IM when a new stable version is released?

Thank you.

Re: Imagemagick Install question

Posted: 2016-11-05T17:09:48-07:00
by fmw42
I always upgrade to the latest version by installing manually from source. That way I get all the latest bug fixes and enhancements. But that is my opinion. Linux distributions seem to always lag way behind by 100s of versions. That is a shame, since often they have bugs.

If you install manually from source, just do

./configure ...
make clean
(sudo) make install (sudo for Mac)

The make clean helps to remove unneeded files. I find that if I do not do that and switch between HDRI and non-HDRI, I can have trouble. So I always do that.

You can make uninstall if you want to be sure. But I have not found it to be necessary. Again my limited experience on Mac.