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extract edges from this image whitout lose the color of edges ?

Posted: 2017-03-19T22:04:31-07:00
by diegomage
How i could extract edge from this images without lose the color of edges


Please help me with this

Re: extract edges from this image whitout lose the color of edges ?

Posted: 2017-03-20T09:57:15-07:00
by fmw42
Your image is black and white. What color do you want. If black use -morphology edgein diamond:1. If white use -morphology edgeout diamond:1

Re: extract edges from this image whitout lose the color of edges ?

Posted: 2017-03-20T09:58:22-07:00
by diegomage
its not black and whit has various colors

Re: extract edges from this image whitout lose the color of edges ?

Posted: 2017-03-20T09:59:53-07:00
by diegomage

Re: extract edges from this image whitout lose the color of edges ?

Posted: 2017-03-20T10:00:26-07:00
by diegomage
I need all edges with this four color

Re: extract edges from this image whitout lose the color of edges ?

Posted: 2017-03-20T10:01:28-07:00
by diegomage
i dont know how I use lat filter but I obtain black and white

Re: extract edges from this image whitout lose the color of edges ?

Posted: 2017-03-20T10:02:52-07:00
by diegomage
seems like the same color but are differents

Re: extract edges from this image whitout lose the color of edges ?

Posted: 2017-03-20T10:59:09-07:00
by fmw42
Use your edge image (black and white) as a mask to color the lines by -compose multiply with your original image


Code: Select all

convert ZrFne.png \
\( -clone 0 -morphology edge diamond:1 -threshold 0 \) \
-compose multiply -composite result.png

Re: extract edges from this image whitout lose the color of edges ?

Posted: 2017-03-20T11:08:06-07:00
by diegomage
how i could use the mask Im trying but i dont know how

I use this

Code: Select all

convert ZrFne.png   -mask  result.png       -fuzz 70% -transparent black   +mask zzlibre

Re: extract edges from this image whitout lose the color of edges ?

Posted: 2017-03-20T11:09:32-07:00
by fmw42
What mask? Why are you using -mask? What is it you want to do? Please explain in more detail.

See the top-most post in this forum "IMPORTANT: Please Read This FIRST Before Posting" at viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9620 regarding asking intelligent questions.

Re: extract edges from this image whitout lose the color of edges ?

Posted: 2017-03-20T11:15:50-07:00
by diegomage

this image have a four colors (ITS NOT BLACK AND WHITE )

Re: extract edges from this image whitout lose the color of edges ?

Posted: 2017-03-20T11:16:43-07:00
by diegomage
Please sorry for not explain well

Re: extract edges from this image whitout lose the color of edges ?

Posted: 2017-03-20T11:34:41-07:00
by diegomage
I see and another post that mask is not useful for extract edges

Re: extract edges from this image whitout lose the color of edges ?

Posted: 2017-03-20T11:38:49-07:00
by fmw42
I still do not know what you want for a result, nor why you are trying to use result.png from my command as the image with -mask. -mask is not the same as using a mask in composite. The image you just provided is now different from the original image you posted. I am very confused about what image you want to start and what you want to have as a result.

Re: extract edges from this image whitout lose the color of edges ?

Posted: 2017-03-20T11:58:02-07:00
by fmw42
Is this what you want?

Code: Select all

convert ZrFne.png -morphology edgeout diamond:1 result.png

Code: Select all

convert ZrFne.png -morphology edgeout diamond:1 -fill white -opaque black result2.png

Code: Select all

convert ZrFne.png \
\( -clone 0 -morphology edgeout diamond:1 -threshold 0 \) \
-compose multiply -composite -fill white -opaque black result3.png