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Need help?

Posted: 2018-06-21T23:34:18-07:00
by Kylie99
Thủ thuật này dành cho các chị em có mắt một mí, mí lót, mí ẩn hoặc không đều… Bác sĩ sẽ luồn chỉ trên các điểm nhấn đánh dấu sẵn, lợi dụng sức căng của sợi chỉ để tạo chuỗi liên kết giữa da và cơ nâng mi.
nhấn mí
Đây là thủ thuật bấm mí đơn giản nhất, chỉ tác động vào phần mô mềm, không xâm lấn vào vùng cơ sụn mắt, nên ít gây đau đớn. Nếp mí sâu và rõ ràng, duy trì được khoảng 5-10 năm, sau đó có thể bị mỡ thừa che lấp do quá trình lão hóa tất yếu của cơ thể.
tắm trắng body
Sau 20 phút bấm mí, bạn có thể về luôn trong ngày mà không tốn thời gian nghỉ dưỡng.
trị nám tàn nhang
Thời gian hồi phục nhanh khoảng 5-7 ngày. Lúc thực hiện bạn không cảm thấy đau đớn, song những ngày sau có thể sưng đau nhẹ.

Re: Need help?

Posted: 2018-06-22T09:17:02-07:00
by GeeMack
Kylie99 wrote: 2018-06-21T23:34:18-07:00Is such a thing possible? Has it already been done?
You need to provide a lot more information, like what version of IM you're using, what platform you're working on, whether you're running it from a command line or script or whatever. Provide some examples of things you've already tried. Read the thread at THIS LINK for help asking a good question to get good answers.

Re: Need help?

Posted: 2018-06-22T09:21:41-07:00
by arizonagroovejet
"Need help?" is a terrible subject. It reads like you're asking other people if they need help, gives no clue as to what the post is about and thus may discourage people from opening it. It may also make any solution which is arrived at in this post harder to find by people in the future who could be helped by that solution. You may wish to consider editing your post to change the subject.

Which Operating System and ImageMagick version are you using?

5 gigapixels is intimidatingly massive. How many of the 10x10 pixel images do you have?

It seems your goal is to get things done as quickly as possible, yes?

Are you trying to place each 10x10 image in a specific place within the larger image? If so this thread might be relevant viewtopic.php?f=1&t=34183 which is about compositing together thousands of images without invoking convert thousands of times.
I've written scripts which composite hundreds of small images on to a larger image by repeatedly writing out to an MPC and then converting the MPC to desired format after the last image has been written. I put the MPC file in a RAM-backed filesystem for speed, but the image I was creating as nowhere near as big as 5gigapixels. (Only faster if you have sufficient RAM that the size of the MPC file doesn't cause the OS to start using swap!). Next time I want to do that I'm going to be reading the aforementioned thread first!

If you just want to stick al the small images together in a grid maybe you want the montage command, but that seems like almost too obvious an answer.