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Image overlay + labels with wordwrap

Posted: 2018-07-04T08:47:09-07:00
by Fauxs82
Hi All,

Am new to the IM world and trying to figure out how to achieve something specific. I've checked forums/guides and managed to get this far but now have hit a wall.

I am using the below big command to generate an image with coloured background, scaled logo overlay in lower left corner with text at right side with different fonts/colours. So far I have what I need with one exception. I would like to keep the positioning but set one of the fields to wrap text so to avoid it disappearing out of picture boundaries.
Specifically line:

Code: Select all

 \( -font CircularPro-Bold.ttf -fill "#15BDF8" -gravity NorthEast -pointsize 30 -annotate +450+600 'A very long title for testing purposes, hopefully this will fit on the screen!' \) \
I understand that using the caption option is better for word wrapping, despite trying for several days however I am unable to figure it out. Wondering if someone could point me in the correct direction?

Code: Select all

convert -size 1920x1080 xc:#CBF0FE \
 \( logo.png -resize 50% \) -gravity SouthWest -geometry +100+100 -composite \
 \( -font CircularPro-Book.ttf -fill "#0D1F52" -gravity NorthWest -pointsize 30 -annotate +1500+200 ':   ID-number' \) \
 \( -font CircularPro-Book.ttf -fill "#0D1F52" -gravity NorthWest -pointsize 30 -annotate +1500+250 ':    Length' \) \
 \( -font CircularPro-Book.ttf -fill "#0D1F52" -gravity NorthWest -pointsize 30 -annotate +1500+300 ':    Name' \) \
 \( -font CircularPro-Book.ttf -fill "#0D1F52" -gravity NorthWest -pointsize 30 -annotate +1500+350 ':    Outlet' \) \
 \( -font CircularPro-Book.ttf -fill "#0D1F52" -gravity NorthWest -pointsize 30 -annotate +1500+400 ':    ISO#' \) \
 \( -font CircularPro-Bold.ttf -fill "#15BDF8" -gravity NorthEast -pointsize 30 -annotate +450+200 '123456-ABCD' \) \
 \( -font CircularPro-Bold.ttf -fill "#15BDF8" -gravity NorthEast -pointsize 30 -annotate +450+250 '1.5m' \) \
 \( -font CircularPro-Bold.ttf -fill "#15BDF8" -gravity NorthEast -pointsize 30 -annotate +450+350 'Outlet Location #1' \) \
 \( -font CircularPro-Bold.ttf -fill "#15BDF8" -gravity NorthEast -pointsize 30 -annotate +450+400 'DNK' \) \
 \( -font CircularPro-Bold.ttf -fill "#15BDF8" -gravity NorthEast -pointsize 40 -annotate +450+500 'V.1' \) \
 \( -font CircularPro-Bold.ttf -fill "#15BDF8" -gravity NorthEast -pointsize 30 -annotate +450+600 'A very long title for testing purposes, hopefully this will fit on the screen!' \) \
 -flatten blank2.png
Version: ImageMagick 7.0.8-2 Q16 x86_64 2018-06-19
Copyright: © 1999-2018 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: Cipher DPC HDRI Modules
Delegates (built-in): bzlib freetype jng jpeg ltdl lzma png tiff xml zlib


Many thanks.

Re: Image overlay + labels with wordwrap

Posted: 2018-07-04T09:38:19-07:00
by fmw42
With caption: (or label:) you have to create a new image with transparent background with the text in it. Then you have to composite that image over your background. See