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How to extract-rotate-place image?

Posted: 2019-01-24T13:17:58-07:00
by allexx
Hi folks, I have what "should" be straightforward -- extract an image from a mostly-grey background, and place it in a new background, and over the past couple days everything I've tried (from snippets on the interwebz) has failed for various reasons. Help, pls!

In the interim I'm reading through, but know I need more thorough and systematic education than reading sections piecemeal. Likewise, ... /index.php should help, but again my education lags.

(This is a progression of ... =1&t=35370, which direction I've abandoned for it not producing good-enough results)

ImageMagic version: 7.07 32-bit on Windows 7

All input images are jpg: mostly-grey background, w/ some lighting variation, w/ a mostly-circular disc in the approximate center of the image (disc may not be perfectly circular due to camera angle, etc). The background for each image is very similar; the disc size/position are also similar, but color and contents vary.

My goal is to extract the disc from each image, rotate it by some angle, and place it into a new background w/ -gravity center

Input and output samples are below.

In each case I created the output sample, using Affinity Photo 1.6.5 (the same steps work in Photoshop 5.5, and Gimp 2.10 though selection-tool settings differ); steps are as follows:

-- open input image
-- "flood select" the grey background by using the magic-wand tool and clicking on a spot approx 1/2 the distance from the edge of the disc to the top-left corner; magic-wand settings are "tolerance (aka -fuzz) 20%, contiguous"
-- invert the selection; this selects the disc
-- "copy" (CTRL-C) the selection (i.e. disc)
-- open background image
-- paste (CTRL-V) disc into background image
-- rotate disc by X degrees
-- save output image

Sample images:

input: b1; output b1o
input: g1; output g1o
input: r1; output r1o
background: bg

All steps performed in 1 commandline would be great, but multi-step + temp images is OK.

And while a run-able solution would be wonderful, even just guidance/references on examples I could modify/study would be much appreciated.

Many thanks!

Re: How to extract-rotate-place image?

Posted: 2019-01-24T14:55:20-07:00
by fmw42
This should do what you want (Windows syntax -- double the % to %% if in a .bat file)



# line 1 - read the g1.jpeg input
# line 2 - make a copy, set the fuzz value and the flood fill color to none (transparent)
# line 3 - do the flood fill at coordinate 50,50 which is visually about where you requested
# line 4 - extract the alpha channel to use as a mask
# line 5 - turn alpha off as needed before line 6
# line 6 - put the mask into the alpha channel of the g1.jpeg input
# line 7 - set the rotation background color to none and rotate 180 deg
# line 8 - read the background image and swap it with the previous result
# line 9 - set the gravity to center before compositing
# line 10 - composite the processed image over the background
# line 11 - write the output

Code: Select all

magick g1.jpeg ^
( -clone 0 -fuzz 20% -fill none ^
-draw "matte 50,50 floodfill" ^
-alpha extract ) ^
-alpha off ^
-compose copy_opacity -composite ^
-background none -rotate 180 ^
background.jpeg +swap ^
-gravity center ^
-compose over -composite ^

If you want to see what each important step does, put +write tmpX.png before the "^" or ending ")" preceding the "^" (with a space separating them) with X = 1,2,3...

For example:

Code: Select all

magick g1.jpeg ^
( -clone 0 -fuzz 20% -fill none ^
-draw "matte 50,50 floodfill" ^
-alpha extract +write tmp1.png ) ^
-alpha off ^
-compose copy_opacity -composite +write tmp2.png ^
-background none -rotate 180 +write tmp3.png ^
background.jpeg +swap ^
-gravity center ^
-compose over -composite ^

Re: How to extract-rotate-place image?

Posted: 2019-01-24T15:14:58-07:00
by allexx

Those who know, know!

That saved me much time (for which I'm grateful; I was in the process of dissecting "magicwand"), and self-learning (for which I'm dismayed, but still grateful he added hurriedly!)

Running that gave me this error: magick: non-conforming drawing primitive definition 'matte' @ error/draw.c/DrawImage/3331.

I replaced 'matte' w/ 'alpha', and it seems to work.

Actually, it works for green and red; for blue some part of the dis edge is eaten into. I suppose that can't be helped, and has nothing to do w/ the blue-ness -- if the disc perimeter has a pixel colored within fuzz-factor of the sampled background pixel it, and its contiguous pixels, will be made transparent.

(BTW, fmw42, I learned since my prev (first) post that you're the grand poobah behind; many thanx for that resource, and for your continued input on this forum.)

Re: How to extract-rotate-place image?

Posted: 2019-01-24T16:18:50-07:00
by fmw42
Sorry, I wrote it in IM 6 and then swapped magick for convert. In IM 7, replace matte with alpha. Try that.

magick g1.jpeg ^
( -clone 0 -fuzz 20% -fill none ^
-draw "alpha 50,50 floodfill" ^
-alpha extract ) ^
-alpha off ^
-compose copy_opacity -composite ^
-background none -rotate 180 ^
background.jpeg +swap ^
-gravity center ^
-compose over -composite ^

You may have to adjust your fuzz value for other colors.

A more complex method might be to convert to HCL, then flood fill on the hue channel to get the mask. That may not need as large a fuzz value.

Re: How to extract-rotate-place image?

Posted: 2019-01-24T17:14:53-07:00
by allexx
Thank you -- I'll try to find info on this HCL business.

Re: How to extract-rotate-place image?

Posted: 2019-01-24T17:40:11-07:00
by fmw42
allexx wrote: 2019-01-24T17:14:53-07:00 Thank you -- I'll try to find info on this HCL business.

Code: Select all

convert image.suffix -colorspace HCL -channel red -separate image_hue.png
image_hue.png will be only the hue channel (single channel so grayscale). Graylevels represent hues and not colors.

But upon testing that does not separate your blue very well. It leaves a noise result when I do

Code: Select all

magick b1.jpeg -colorspace HCL -channel red -separate -fuzz 3% -fill white -opaque "gray(160)" -fill black +opaque white result.png