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No Decode Delegates in Default Installation?

Posted: 2019-02-08T13:08:16-07:00
by buchert
Why does ImageMagick have a policy of not including all the decode delegates in any installation of ImageMagick? I installed from source but didn't install the decode delegates, so I basically can't use ImageMagick and I can't uninstall it because of dependencies. It seems I'll have to reinstall Linux Mint and then try to install ImageMagick again with the decode delegates this time. Very frustrating.

There must be some good reason for not including the delegates (especially for jpg) in all installations, but I'm scratching my head wondering why.

I use Linux Mint 19 Tara 64bit.

Here's my installation information:

apt-cache policy imagemagick
Installed: (none)
Candidate: 8:
Version table:
8: 500
500 bionic-updates/main amd64 Packages
500 bionic-security/main amd64 Packages
8: -1
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
8: 500
500 bionic/main amd64 Packages

identify -version
Version: ImageMagick 7.0.8-11 Q16 x86_64 2018-09-18
Copyright: © 1999-2018 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: Cipher DPC HDRI OpenMP
Delegates (built-in): fontconfig freetype png x zlib

Re: No Decode Delegates in Default Installation?

Posted: 2019-02-08T13:12:17-07:00
by fmw42
You should install from binary. That will include the delegates. It is not easy to install from source. With source you need to install all the delegates first from source. So if you were given source and all the delegates, you would still have to install the delegates. That is just the way source installs work. If you want the delegates, then see

Re: No Decode Delegates in Default Installation?

Posted: 2019-02-08T13:26:54-07:00
by buchert
Thanks for the reply! I was told that I can't install the delegates after I've installed from source? This isn't true?

So I download:

And then go into the jpegsr9b folder and perform:

1. ./configure --prefix=/opt/jpeg
2. make; make install
3. ldconfig

I tried the first step and got this error:

sudo ./configure --prefix=/opt/jpeg
sudo: ./configure: command not found

Re: No Decode Delegates in Default Installation?

Posted: 2019-02-08T13:29:53-07:00
by fmw42
I am not an expert on installation on Linux. But I believe that Imagemagick installs by default in either /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin. So you should install your delegates in the same location. But I think that you will need to reinstall Imagemagick after installing the delegates. You can install all your delegates elsewhere and point Imagemagick to them. See ... lation.php

At this point, I think I will need to defer any further comments to the IM developers.