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How easier it is to cut pictures with a light tone with ImageMagick?

Posted: 2019-03-12T11:39:04-07:00
by Roundik

How easier to cut pictures with a light tone with ImageMagick from one big image?
I need to get all white pics as separate images.

Thanks for help

Best regards,[

Re: How easier it is to cut pictures with a light tone with ImageMagick?

Posted: 2019-03-12T12:15:24-07:00
by snibgo
The question is vague. How many "pictures with a light tone" does that image contain? 5, 6, or some other number?

Second: what does "cut pictures" mean? Maybe you want to crop to each bounding box. If so, then some pre-processing then "-connected-components" to get the bounding boxes, then crop in a script.