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Posted: 2006-03-31T10:07:04-07:00
by magick
The excessive logging has been removed from recent versions of ImageMagick. Try the latest release, ImageMagick 6.2.6-7, and the problem should go away.

Posted: 2007-01-26T10:20:11-07:00
by Jonas
I have installed ImageMagick-6.3.2-1-Q8-windows-dll.exe, and I still get excessive logging. Is there a way to turn off logging?

Posted: 2007-01-27T11:55:53-07:00
by rmabry
Jonas wrote: I have installed ImageMagick-6.3.2-1-Q8-windows-dll.exe, and I still get excessive logging. Is there a way to turn off logging?

Just wondering, is it possible you still have the older PerlMagick with that? I'm not sure what your setup might be like, but I have once or twice built a new version of the ImageMagick core but forgot to rebuild Perlmagick. It still worked (sort of) and it took me a while to realize what had happened.

Actually, I do not see anything in the PerlMagick folder that indicates what version of ImageMagick it "belongs" with. Is there a way to query that? Is there a way to be "strict" and generate a warning if two incompatible versions are used?


Posted: 2007-01-29T07:41:27-07:00
by Jonas
I am not using PerlMagick. I am using the Wand C++ library.