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ImageMagick Guru

Posted: 2007-01-04T13:10:51-07:00
by pinxi

I am looking for a development company that is well versed in ImageMagick. We are looking to develop an online framing software for images and feel that ImageMagick is the perfect tool. (Please see for an example.) We have already tried to do this twice, but the companies haven't been very well versed in ImageMagick. I need a guru that has done things like this before. Any suggestions on where to look?


Posted: 2007-01-04T14:05:25-07:00
by magick
Why not describe what you want done? Perhaps the problem is simpler than you might think and if not, we'll let you know.

Posted: 2007-01-04T15:06:23-07:00
by pinxi
magick wrote: Why not describe what you want done? Perhaps the problem is simpler than you might think and if not, we'll let you know.

Please go to Click the here button and then select a poster. Once you have selected a poster, click "see it framed". This will launch the framing module which uses imagemagick extensively.

The issue is that our current system uses a lot of CPU and takes too long to load. Also, the company that developed this site for me went out of business. :cry:

I am also working on another site that will allow users to upload their own image which we will then print and frame. I am in desperate need for excellent ImageMagick developers, so I thought I should go to the source. :D


Posted: 2007-01-04T15:55:51-07:00
by magick
Does the framing module call the ImageMagick convert program from a shell? If so that could be the source of any delay. If you call ImageMagick from Perl or MagickWand for PHP, for example, you will get a substantial speedup. You will also get a speed-up if you use the Q8 version of ImageMagick rather than the default Q16 version. GIF is slower than PNG or JPEG. Other speed-up are possible such as caching images or compositing the image on a frame blank rather than using a bordering algrotihm.

Posted: 2007-01-04T16:50:34-07:00
by pinxi
magick wrote: Does the framing module call the ImageMagick convert program from a shell? If so that could be the source of any delay. If you call ImageMagick from Perl or MagickWand for PHP, for example, you will get a substantial speedup. You will also get a speed-up if you use the Q8 version of ImageMagick rather than the default Q16 version. GIF is slower than PNG or JPEG. Other speed-up are possible such as caching images or compositing the image on a frame blank rather than using a bordering algrotihm.

Thanks for getting back to me so quick!

Yeah, we are exploring these options. We are also looking to change the way that the frame tiles around the image. Right now, we have two corners images that are manipulated to form a square. (The whole image is also resized according to the aspect ratio of the frame size and the image size.) We are thinking of dumbing down the process and having a repeating pattern tile around the image.

However, our main problem is that the company that was doing our development went out of business. I have been working directly with one of the programmers but he has a full time job and can't keep working on this project. Basically, there are millions of programmers out there, but I need one that has a lot of exeperience with ImageMagick. Any suggestions were to look?

Posted: 2007-01-04T16:57:36-07:00
by magick
We don't track ImageMagick developers. The ImageMagick development team is unavailable because we're busy working on bug patches and enhancements.

Posted: 2007-01-04T18:37:04-07:00
by pinxi
I understand. It was worth a try. Any suggestion on a good place to find developers. We're based in NYC, but development here is a little too much for us.

Posted: 2007-01-04T18:41:30-07:00
by magick
We don't have a clue where to find ImageMagick developers. Hopefully someone will notice your posting and respond.

Posted: 2007-01-04T20:20:53-07:00
by pinxi
By the way, I have found that it is absolutely amazing what can be done with ImageMagick. I was talking with a team from Scene7 (which will run you about $100k per install). It is amazing how many things that you can do with ImageMagick for which they charge an arm and leg.

Anyway, as time allows, I would love to help you as I can.

Thanks you for all your hard work!

Posted: 2007-01-04T20:22:37-07:00
by anthony
A examples summery of all (well most) of the features and capabilitys are given in IM Examples (see sig)

Posted: 2007-01-12T00:25:07-07:00
by anthony
You may be especially interested in the the 'Fancy Framing' example in IM examples. ... ils/#fancy

However in your case a 'edge' image could be scaled to go across the length of the image, then the corner images overlayed.

If you like to provide me with one framing example (four corners and 4 edges) that you'll let me use, I could try to work out a solution that may be quite different to what you are currently using. It may be faster or slower, no gurantees, but I am willing to try as part of IM examples.

note I have a road trip over the next few days so I may not respond for a while.

Re: ImageMagick Guru

Posted: 2007-03-29T12:36:56-07:00
by pinxi
Hi Anthony-

Here are some frame samples for you to play with. I am in the process of getting some better imagery.

Basically, I am looking to build a framing module like at ... erzoneid=3 but using Ajax-PHP-ImageMagick. I am still looking for someone who has a solid understanding of this type of application. Any ideas on where to look for quality programmers? I am based in NYC, but doesn't need to be local.


Re: ImageMagick Guru

Posted: 2007-03-29T21:24:29-07:00
by anthony
Thanks, I'll take a look.

Re: ImageMagick Guru

Posted: 2007-03-30T05:58:10-07:00
by pinxi
Thank you.

Re: ImageMagick Guru

Posted: 2007-03-30T18:06:45-07:00
by anthony
The images you have sent are interesting, but look like they were put together from other smaller images. I can see join lines. Do you have the sub-images? EG: just the corners and edge tiles that can replicate across the edges.
Or better still a smaller tile, for smaller images for me to experiment with. And even perhaps
publish in IM examples when finished. The images you gave are fine for a final application involving poster sized images, but difficult to work with for development work.