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How to wrap IdentifyImage for .NET?

Posted: 2007-04-03T09:09:42-07:00
by thardy
We are trying to call the IdentifyImageCommand from a .NET assembly. We've never done that before, so any tips or pointers on calling the static library from a managed .NET assembly will be greatly appreciated.

We also would like any info or documentation on the usage of the parameters:

MagickBooleanType IdentifyImageCommand(ImageInfo *image_info, int argc,char **argv,char **metadata,ExceptionInfo *exception)


Re: How to wrap IdentifyImage for .NET?

Posted: 2007-04-03T14:08:32-07:00
by thardy
Basically, I've come to realize we just need some good examples of how to use the APIs. I've seen it stated that the APIs can be used to access all command-line functionality, but it's not easy to see how to do that.

Any examples would be much appreciated. Also, we're consuming ImageMagick from .NET, so if there are any plans to expose IDENTIFY in MagickNET, please let me know.

Re: How to wrap IdentifyImage for .NET?

Posted: 2007-04-03T22:28:50-07:00
by anthony
Actually I said... API's should be able to access everything the command line does. then again it has multiple image lists (wands) so should be able to do more!

Its a problem I am having, as my next project requires two separate image lists from the command line! (overlaying 2 GIF animations). A difficult problem if they are different lengths!

However while I use IM examples to test out an show what Im can do, other API interfaces are not so lucky. And example here, and example there, but nothing formal.

RMagick (Ruby API) is luckier in this regard as the developer for the API tries to expand IM's capabilities in that language. In fact the new 'Polaroid' command line image transform was a reversed engineered operation from his Ruby API form.

Basically we need people willing to spend time to try to produce examples, prehaps as part of there real job as a web developer :lol: