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by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: PDF: auto crop and bleed mark detection
Replies: 1
Views: 6833

Re: PDF: auto crop and bleed mark detection

See "How crop a PDF file " 3 days ago in this forum.
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: installation problems
Replies: 3
Views: 8752

Re: installation problems

I'm not a *nix guru, but I think completely removing anything from /usr/bin isn't a good idea, because other software might depend on it. Installing/deinstalling is best done with a package manager, unless you are a guru. And removing /usr/bin from your $PATH is also weird, for much the same reason....
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Blending image followed by setting background
Replies: 3
Views: 9114

Re: Blending image followed by setting background

Another useful switch is +clone or -clone, so convert doesn't have to read the same file multiple times.
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Varying transparency according to rgb values
Replies: 11
Views: 25545

Re: Varying transparency according to rgb values

Does this do what you want?

Code: Select all

# make an image totally transparent where it was white, fading to totally opaque where it was black
convert input.png -alpha on +clone -alpha off -negate -compose copyOpacity -composite -negate output.png
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: installation problems
Replies: 3
Views: 8752

Re: installation problems

I suspect your old (system-wide) convert is in /usr/bin, and your newly compiled version is in /usr/local/bin. This is expected behaviour. "which convert" will tell you which one will be executed. Also look at the version numbers you get from: convert -version /usr/bin/convert -version /us...
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: How to find a sub-image within another image and then diff?
Replies: 41
Views: 93279

Re: How to find a sub-image within another image and then di

Not that I can help, but:

1. If you ./configure more than once, you should probably "make distclean" first.

2. I made the decision a month ago to setup dual-boot Windows7/Ubuntu on my laptop, rather than hacking with Cygwin. It was worth doing.
by snibgo
Forum: Developers
Topic: using convert in imagemagick
Replies: 3
Views: 9340

Re: using convert in imagemagick

What is that character between 100 and 60? It should be the letter x.

Code: Select all

convert -size 100x60 xc:none -fill red -draw 'circle 25,30 10,30' -draw 'circle 75,30 90,30' -draw 'rectangle 25,15 75,45' gel_shape.png
Then it works fine, on Ubuntu. You will need double-quotes for Windows, of course.
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Reducing required space of jpeg image
Replies: 4
Views: 10794

Re: Reducing required space of jpeg image

No, sorry. Try the MagickWand forum on:
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Reducing required space of jpeg image
Replies: 4
Views: 10794

Re: Reducing required space of jpeg image

Try the "quality" option, eg:

convert in.jpg -quality 10 out.jpg
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: turning jpg sequence into mp4
Replies: 6
Views: 40197

Re: turning jpg sequence into mp4

[Posting withdrawn. I confused -l (letter L) with -1 (digit one).]
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: turning jpg sequence into mp4
Replies: 6
Views: 40197

Re: turning jpg sequence into mp4

0. Please tell us your platform (Win7, Ubuntu, whatever) and IM version. 1. Software often wants frames to be in alphabetical sorted order. To get this, create your frames with leading zeros, eg 000000.jpg, 000001.jpg, ... 000009.jpg, 000010.jpg, 000011.jpg, etc. Personally, I would always prefix th...
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: rbg values of a pixel
Replies: 12
Views: 27088

Re: rbg values of a pixel

(1) The colon (:) is to specify the format, like "rgb:" or "info:", or pseudo-images like "rose:" or "logo:". It's wrong after the filename. (2) The general rule for geometry is widthxheight+x+y. Your coordinates are in the wrong positions. Try: red=`convert $...
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: rbg values of a pixel
Replies: 12
Views: 27088

Re: rbg values of a pixel

Ha, you've been snooping! My name is common as muck, so I use an anagram.

I needed to prep 1000 images for the web, and IM seemed the easiest solution. I've been playing with it ever since, like a new toy.

Alan Gibson.
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: rbg values of a pixel
Replies: 12
Views: 27088

Re: rbg values of a pixel

Yes, I meant "pixel". Thanks for the correction. I tried both, then copied/pasted the wrong one.

It's a shame it sometimes returns colour names, so we need a more clumsy format to guarantee values.
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: rbg values of a pixel
Replies: 12
Views: 27088

Re: rbg values of a pixel

See the fx documentation:

/usr/bin/convert 7a.png -format 'Pixel is %[fx:p{10,15}]' info:
Pixel is black
/usr/bin/convert 7a.png -format 'Pixel is %[fx:p{10,19}]' info:
Pixel is rgb(18,51,87)