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by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Why IM is several times slower than IrfanView?
Replies: 5
Views: 12896

Re: Why IM is several times slower than IrfanView?

I am using both IrfanView and ImageMagick daily, and yes, IM is significantly slower than IrfanView when it comes to the actual work. Performing standard tasks with IM is however overall faster, because they can be fully automized. See the link below for a bunch of examples. When converting several ...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Which version of the batch tool to use?
Replies: 2
Views: 8824

Re: Which version of the batch tool to use?

A few comments from a Windows user on this: 1) I have always wondered about the possible advantages of static linking. I would expect such a version of IM to take longer to load, but being slightly faster when doing the real work, because there is no overhead for dynamic linking. So what are those s...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: "Page" numbering when converting a multi page PDF
Replies: 3
Views: 16789

Re: "Page" numbering when converting a multi page PDF

Thank you, Fred, that does the trick! You can even supply a negative value for -scene, as I have just tested. This is also a common task, because many PDFs contain start pages that have an irregular page count, say with Roman numbers. So the Arabic page number "1" may actually be the fifth...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: "Page" numbering when converting a multi page PDF
Replies: 3
Views: 16789

"Page" numbering when converting a multi page PDF

The basic command is of course: convert -density 150 input.pdf -compress group4 output-%02d.tif or something alike. Numbering will however start at zero and thus the resulting file numbers will be the page numbers of the PDF minus one. Is there any built-in way to modify this behaviour such that pag...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Calculate coverage of TIFFG4 in percent
Replies: 4
Views: 10272

Re: Calculate coverage of TIFFG4 in percent

The basic trick that Fred suggests is to calculate the mean value of the image. This is supplied in the "mean" line when Identifying with the -verbose option. So it's basically a question of Identifying and then filtering. In a Windows batchfile: Identify -verbose %1 | FIND "mean"...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Batch processing help. Is this possible?
Replies: 6
Views: 18113

Re: Batch processing help. Is this possible?

The command achieving this is: for %i in (*.jpg) DO convert %i compare_to.jpg -compose subtract -composite mod_%i Just open a DOS box, switch to the folder where the files are located and type the above command. When transferring the code into a batch file, you have to double the percent signs: for ...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Jigsaw puzzle solver
Replies: 11
Views: 42438

Re: Jigsaw puzzle solver

Your problems with Java aside -- I also think that ImageJ is the right program for ready-made solutions on special problems like this. I used its SIFT tools to settle a very shaky video and found them doing amazingly well.
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Howto convert jpg to tif losslessly (without recompressing)?
Replies: 5
Views: 15288

Re: Howto convert jpg to tif losslessly (without recompressi

I then the recompression can currently not be avoided when using IM. There is a similar, more common problem, when you try to bind a bunch uf JPEGs to a PDF. However, for PDFs, there is a special solution in form of the program JPEGtoPDF Possibly there i...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting vector PDFs
Replies: 1
Views: 4400

Converting vector PDFs

I also encounter problems with transparency when converting vector PDFs to raster images. I put a test PDF generated from a CAD drawing by means of the Adobe Acrobat printer driver at . When converting to JPG: I get a white background GIF or TI...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Correcting for a curved film plane?
Replies: 62
Views: 171668

Re: Correcting for a curved film plane?

I don't want to be able to just map to and from a plane surface, but would also like to map between the various types of projections. For example between a stereographic sphere representation, and a orthographic sphere, plane, cylinder, mercator cylinder, etc etc etc. It could be helpful having thi...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: How to convert svg to pgn and keep transparency?
Replies: 4
Views: 42506

Re: How to convert svg to pgn and keep transparency?

I took for my testing and arrived at a transparent background. The difference to Fred's SVG is that "my" SVG defines a transparent page as a background, whereas Fred's small SVG example defines the "page" by a transpar...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: PDF to jpeg, reducing text blurriness
Replies: 3
Views: 8630

Re: PDF to jpeg, reducing text blurriness

SnesleyWipes wrote:Are you suggesting, to be clear, that I should (for instance) "convert -density 120 input.pdf temp.jpg", find out the dimensions of temp.jpg, and then use those to calculate the density for the real conversion?
This is exactly what I meant.
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: How to convert svg to pgn and keep transparency?
Replies: 4
Views: 42506

Re: How to convert svg to pgn and keep transparency?

How about
convert -background none a.svg b.png

by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: PDF to jpeg, reducing text blurriness
Replies: 3
Views: 8630

Re: PDF to jpeg, reducing text blurriness

One cause for your problems is that you resize the raster image two times after having it generated from the vector source. The best thing to do would be to set the adequate density right at the start. If your pages are not all of the same size, this might need two intermediate steps in which you Co...
by whugemann
Forum: Users
Topic: Correcting for a curved film plane?
Replies: 62
Views: 171668

Re: Correcting for a curved film plane?

Hello everybody, I am back from my cycling holidays in France and have just studied all of what you have written on this thread in the meantime. I have just read the Hugin projection page more thoroughly and I have to admit that I was wrong in my first comment: Panorama software is trying to map a s...