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by joew
Forum: Users
Topic: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?
Replies: 48
Views: 49982

Re: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?

Let's get back to the topic again. This is what I am currently doing: my $front = Image::Magick->new(density=>$DPI, depth=>16); $e=$front->Read($FRONTSIDE_PICTURE); &e; $e=$front->Set(colorspace=>"RGB"); &e; $e=$front->Resize(geometry=>$FRONT_SIZE, filter=>"Lanczos"); &am...
by joew
Forum: Users
Topic: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?
Replies: 48
Views: 49982

Re: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?

Printing from gimp is exactly what I want to avoid. My mistake. I don't print using Gimp because it frequently gets the position wrong, but maybe this is an incompatibility with my very old printer. How are you printing? I'm printing with gimp. I tried to print from command line by "lpr foobar...
by joew
Forum: Users
Topic: How to widen transparency?
Replies: 8
Views: 7726

Re: How to widen transparency?

The Erode solution was running about 14 hours on a dual core with 4GB. I've now gone with the other route I described in the previous post: my $sm = Image::Magick->new(density => $DPI); $sm->Read("stanzmuster/"); $sm->Set(colorspace=>"sRGB"); $sm->Transparent(color=...
by joew
Forum: Users
Topic: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?
Replies: 48
Views: 49982

Re: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?

GreenKoopa wrote:You can print from Gimp and still let your printer driver handle the colorspace and sampling conversions.
Printing from gimp is exactly what I want to avoid. No GUI, no dumb knobs to tweak, no opportunities to get those tweaks wrong.
by joew
Forum: Users
Topic: How to widen transparency?
Replies: 8
Views: 7726

Re: How to widen transparency?

Is the printing area rectangular, as in your original example? Finding those dimensions can be done very quickly. Not really. There are various types of curves. But there is no requirement for high precision in this step. I think I would get a good result by shifting a copy of the original by 5mm t...
by joew
Forum: Users
Topic: How to widen transparency?
Replies: 8
Views: 7726

Re: How to widen transparency?

Scaling your example up x10, so 3000x3000 pixels, took only 2 minutes. Do you have a memory problem? Don't think so. 4GB. Still running after about 9 hours. BTW: A4 at 600dpi is 4961x7016. But the real problem is probably the Disk:120. If you provide your actual image, and explain what you need, yo...
by joew
Forum: Users
Topic: How to widen transparency?
Replies: 8
Views: 7726

Re: How to widen transparency?

Thanx, that was exactly what I was looking for! There's only one drawback: it is so extremely slow. For a DIN-A4 page in 600 DPI and Disk:120 (that is 5mm), it is running for hours and still not ready :shock:. BTW: the documentation of the perlmagic API seems to be very outdated. The "method&qu...
by joew
Forum: Users
Topic: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?
Replies: 48
Views: 49982

Re: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?

In fact, in the process of translating from command line to perlmagick, I could not make any sense of the Resample() method, so I dropped this step and now use only my $image = Image::Magick->new(density => $DPI); But I think I need the Resize. How would I adopt the output to the size of the actual ...
by joew
Forum: Users
Topic: How to widen transparency?
Replies: 8
Views: 7726

How to widen transparency?

Hello wizards, I am looking for a method to "widen" a transparent area. For example, given this picture: convert -size 300x300 xc:none -fill none \ -stroke blue -strokewidth 10 -draw "roundrectangle 10,10 50,50 5,5" \ -stroke red -strokewidth 20 -draw "roundrectangle 110,110...
by joew
Forum: Users
Topic: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?
Replies: 48
Views: 49982

Re: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?

Are you printing onto a transparent surface? Not sure why you would need alpha otherwise There are more processing steps to follow. Some of them (like appending images) need the transparency. If you want best-quality CMYK or CMYKA, I'm not sure whether I need this conversion at all, since I am prin...
by joew
Forum: Users
Topic: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?
Replies: 48
Views: 49982

Re: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?

Thanks for the hint! In the meantime, I figured, I should use the "-colorspace XXX" options instead of directly fiddling with gamma. Can anybody confirm this assumption? In some other thread I found the suggestion to output to jpg, since png supports only rgb. But when I output in jpg, alp...
by joew
Forum: Users
Topic: From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?
Replies: 48
Views: 49982

From sRGB to CMYK and gamma?

Hello, I have some photos in sRGB color space and I would like to do some manipulations on them (resize, add border, overlay text, etc/pp) and print them on a CMYK printer when done. In previous versions of IM, I've done it in this way: convert Fotos/DSC_0304.JPG \ -depth 16 -gamma 0.454545 \ -resam...
by joew
Forum: Users
Topic: Replacing a color with transparency stopped working?
Replies: 4
Views: 4214

Re: Replacing a color with transparency stopped working?

It's probably better for you to explicitly convert the CMYK image to RGB, using "-colorspace sRGB", eg:
Yes, that works!

by joew
Forum: Users
Topic: Replacing a color with transparency stopped working?
Replies: 4
Views: 4214

Re: Replacing a color with transparency stopped working?

convert -size 1x1 xc:White xc:Black +append -transparent white txt: Such simple commands work for me too. Outputting to txt: is a nice feature, btw! For your final command, try: Yes, I tried this also, but it did not work. I guess the problem is with the input file. When outputting to txt:, I get s...
by joew
Forum: Users
Topic: Metallic effect
Replies: 21
Views: 36944

Re: Metallic effect

You can do that on unix with WW=`identify -format "%w" metallic_a.png` HH=`identify -format "%h" metallic_a.png` Your script works great when the image has only text and nothing else. But when I have an image where other information is present (although removed by transparency), ...