Search found 1570 matches

by dlemstra
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: transparent GIF issue
Replies: 2
Views: 9006

Re: transparent GIF issue

Can you share your input file?
by dlemstra
Forum: Magick++
Topic: Different Results From Magick++ and MagickNet
Replies: 2
Views: 67283

Re: Different Results From Magick++ and MagickNet

You swapped columns and rows in the c++ code.
by dlemstra
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Reading multiple images within HEIC
Replies: 1
Views: 8207

Re: Reading multiple images within HEIC

Reading multiple images within a HEIC image is currently not yet supported, see:
by dlemstra
Forum: Developers
Topic: Native CLAHE support
Replies: 1
Views: 8706

Re: Native CLAHE support

Could you also open an issue on GitHub ( and include the details from the linked issue there?
by dlemstra
Forum: Bugs
Topic: "Insufficient image data" error with a couple of BMPs
Replies: 2
Views: 9191

Re: "Insufficient image data" error with a couple of BMPs

Thanks for the problem report. We can reproduce it and will have a patch to fix it in GIT master branch @ later today. The patch will be available in the beta releases of ImageMagick @ by sometime tomorrow.
by dlemstra
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: Colors are too bright when converting an image from CMYK to sRGB colorspace
Replies: 5
Views: 12359

Re: Colors are too bright when converting an image from CMYK to sRGB colorspace

You could also use `TransformColorSpace` instead of `AddProfile`.
by dlemstra
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: fast convert any bmp to rgb byte array - C#
Replies: 2
Views: 11891

Re: fast convert any bmp to rgb byte array - C#

You will run into memory issues when you try to allocate a byte array for images that are 100000 x 10000000 pixels. You will need a machine that has 3000 GB memory available. What is the problem that you are trying to solve? It looks like you want multiple things?
by dlemstra
Forum: Users
Topic: Defaults or how to find MAGICK_TEMPORARY_PATH
Replies: 10
Views: 12119

Re: Defaults or how to find MAGICK_TEMPORARY_PATH

Could you open a bug report when you have something that is reproducible with the latest version of ImageMagick @spaceguns?
by dlemstra
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Cannot execute commands containing -fx
Replies: 8
Views: 16444

Re: Cannot execute commands containing -fx

I cannot reproduce your issue with the latest version of ImageMagick 7 on Windows. What happens when you use double quotes instead of single quotes?
by dlemstra
Forum: Developers
Topic: convert.exe: RegistryKeyLookupFailed `CoderModulesPath' ImageMagick-7.0.8-Q16
Replies: 2
Views: 10063

Re: convert.exe: RegistryKeyLookupFailed `CoderModulesPath' ImageMagick-7.0.8-Q16

You probably want to download and use the Portable version instead if you don't want to install the library but just copy it.
by dlemstra
Forum: Users
Topic: Linux standalone compare utility
Replies: 4
Views: 9874

Re: Linux standalone compare utility

You could create a static build of ImageMagick so you can deploy it easily on a Linux system.
by dlemstra
Forum: Magick.NET
Topic: PSD from multiple files
Replies: 2
Views: 9535

Re: PSD from multiple files

There is limited control of what you can do with the layers. More info can be found here:
by dlemstra
Forum: Users
Topic: Did Mac OS 10.13.6 lose INLINE format support?
Replies: 2
Views: 4443

Re: Did Mac OS 10.13.6 lose INLINE format support?

Thanks for the problem report. We can reproduce it and will have a patch to fix it in GIT master branch @ later today. The patch will be available in the beta releases of ImageMagick @ by sometime tomorrow.
by dlemstra
Forum: Developers
Topic: Precision for -verbose -distort?
Replies: 3
Views: 12170

Re: Precision for -verbose -distort?

Could you open a Github issue instead? And could you also include a full command line example that we can use to reproduce the output?
by dlemstra
Forum: Users
Topic: Local policy control in ImageMagick
Replies: 2
Views: 4336

Re: Local policy control in ImageMagick

This issue has some examples of where ImageMagick looks for it's policy: