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Comparing tif images in 7.0.8 version throwing error

Posted: 2019-03-13T23:30:45-07:00
by nithyads
I am trying to compare tif iamges using 7.0.8 version. The tif images are gray in color and has white background and when i am trying to compare its throwing me error " -1.#IND<-1.#IND> "
Can you please help me with this?

If i use the comparing command with verbose, i am getting the below error.

Code: Select all

Image: C:\Temp\6892\Stellar\Position_RT.tif
  Channel distortion: MSE
    red: -1.#IND (-1.#IND)
    green: -1.#IND (-1.#IND)
    blue: -1.#IND (-1.#IND)
    all: -1.#IND (-1.#IND)
80 640x480+0+0 32-bit sRGB 4.68795MiB 0.094u 0:00.106

Re: Comparing tif images in 7.0.8 version throwing error

Posted: 2019-03-14T06:18:55-07:00
by snibgo
What was your exact command?

What does "magick identify -verbose" say about the two inputs? In particular, do any of the input channels have weird values like "-1.#IND"?