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Qt + ImageMagic + ffmpeg

Posted: 2014-06-16T02:46:53-07:00
by Asting
Hello everyone,
Im trying to create f.e. mpeg video file from Qt, on Linux.
In this case, I installed ffmpeg delegate and then made configure/make/install for ImageMagick with parameter to ffmpeg.
Then I include IM and ffmpeg libraries and include files to Qt progect.
ImageMagick itself works in Qt, I can creat pictures and *gif animations, but when I tryed make mpeg video, I got error "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Magick::ErrorDelegate'
what(): Magick: delegate failed `"ffmpeg" -v -1 -i "%M%%d.jpg" "%u.%m" 2> "%Z"' @ error/delegate.c/InvokeDelegate/1153".
What can be a problem in this case? Is my installation order was rigth? Would be grateful to eny help.