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Need help for converting photoshop layered template to IM command-sequence

Posted: 2015-08-04T06:26:20-07:00
by joshipn

I have a few Photoshop templates that take a photo as input on a smart object layer, apply a sequence of filters, add a few adjustment layers and output a composite image with special effects applied to the source photo. I need to convert the templates to sequences of IM commands so that I can run them without Photoshop.

If you could help me with this, please respond, so that we can discuss more details.


Re: Need help for converting photoshop layered template to IM command-sequence

Posted: 2015-08-04T06:43:52-07:00
by Bonzo
It would be useful if you stated your preferred language/shell/batch script etc. Also the Imagemagick version if there is some restriction to the version.

Re: Need help for converting photoshop layered template to IM command-sequence

Posted: 2015-08-04T07:16:19-07:00
by joshipn
We are running IM 6.9.1 and are interested in a batch script to execute from command line on Windows.