Convert SVG to PNG Error: Font not found

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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Convert SVG to PNG Error: Font not found

Post by dominik.haag »

We have an Issue with some SVG's which are delivered by our customer when converting them to png using ImageMagick:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
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ImageMagick throws the following error even if the Font Arial is properly installed :
** (magick.exe:3868): WARNING **: couldn't load font ""Arial" Bold Not-Rotated 0.94921875", falling back to "Sans Bold Not-Rotated 0.94921875", expect ugly output.
We found out that ImageMagick seems to have Problems with the fontname placed in quotes in the CDATA section:
If we remove the quotes arround the fontname the problem does not occur.

SVG without quotes:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<!-- Creator: CorelDRAW -->
<svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="86.2565mm" height="48.5981mm" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd"
viewBox="0 0 12.9052 7.27099"
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   <glyph unicode="2" horiz-adv-x="556"><path d="M505.827 127.496l0 -127.496 -480.992 0c5.33858,48.1732 20.8346,93.8268 46.9921,137.008 26,43.1654 77.5118,100.331 154.173,171.654 62,57.5118 99.8268,96.6772 113.827,117.165 18.8346,28.3465 28.3465,56.3465 28.3465,84 0,30.5039 -8.17323,54 -24.6772,70.5039 -16.4882,16.5039 -39.1654,24.6772 -68.1575,24.6772 -28.6772,0 -51.3386,-8.67717 -68.3307,-25.8425 -16.8346,-17.3386 -26.6772,-46 -29.3386,-86l-136.661 13.6693c8.15748,75.4961 33.6535,129.669 76.6614,162.661 42.9921,32.8346 96.6614,49.3386 161.165,49.3386 70.6614,0 126.173,-19.1654 166.504,-57.1654 40.3307,-38.1732 60.4882,-85.4961 60.4882,-142.173 0,-32.1575 -5.82677,-62.8346 -17.3228,-92 -11.4961,-29.1654 -29.8425,-59.6693 -54.8346,-91.4961 -16.6614,-21.1654 -46.6614,-51.6693 -89.8425,-91.3386 -43.3228,-39.6535 -70.8189,-66.1575 -82.3307,-79.1654 -11.4961,-12.9921 -20.9921,-25.6693 -28.1575,-38l272.488 0z"/></glyph>
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    @font-face { font-family:Arial;src:url("#FontID0") format(svg)}
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It seems that theese svg's where created with Coral Draw. It would be great if ImageMagick could handle such SVG's properly.

Tested with ImageMagick 7.0.8-12 Q16 x64 2018-09-23 as well as with ImageMagick-7.0.5-10-Q16
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Re: Convert SVG to PNG Error: Font not found

Post by fmw42 »

I have tested your SVG file using IM 7.0.8-12 Q16 Mac OSX Sierra using both the internal MSVG SVG renderer and using Inkscape (0.92.3_4) called by Imagemagick. Neither give that error message. The MSVG rendered does not work properly and the main area is black. The Inkscape version seems to render correctly.

Code: Select all

magick -background none MSVG:corel.svg corel_msvg.png

Code: Select all

magick -background none corel.svg corel_inkscape.png

I also used RSVG (2.42.2_2) delegate, but IM has a problem so I used IM (I created a special RSVG entry in my delegates.xml file to be able to use RSVG as well as Inkscape)

Code: Select all

magick -background none RSVG:corel.svg corel_rsvg.png
magick: unable to open image 'RSVG:corel.svg': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/3489.

Code: Select all

convert -background none RSVG:corel.svg corel_rsvg.png

Photoshop shows a rendering with transparent background similar to the RSVG and Inkscape results, which vary slightly.
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Re: Convert SVG to PNG Error: Font not found

Post by dominik.haag »

Thanks for your investigation.

It seems that the problem does only occur unter Windows (Tested with Windows 10).
With debian stable (ImageMagick 6.9.7-4 Q16 x86_64 20170114) we could not reproduce the Problem.

I saw some changes in the rsvg-lib made in August which mentioned changes with quotes. The rsvg-Lib used in ImageMagick is from Dec 2017.

Unter Windows transforming the svg using inkscape works fine.
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Re: Convert SVG to PNG Error: Font not found

Post by fmw42 »

Have you tried updating the RSVG delegate if that is what you are using? Or have you tried using Inkscape?
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Re: Convert SVG to PNG Error: Font not found

Post by dominik.haag »

For the test with inkscape I used the command line for Inkscape directly, not the way via ImageMagick.
The cmd for the Inkscape-Test was:
inkscape.exe Test-Orig.svg --export-png=Inkscapetest.png
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Re: Convert SVG to PNG Error: Font not found

Post by dominik.haag »

Does somebody have an idea on how to solve that problem?
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