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Problems installing perlmagick on server 2008

Posted: 2010-02-04T06:01:50-07:00
by serenissima

I am trying to install ImageMagick with PerlMagick onto a Windows Server 2008.

This is a x64 machine so I downloaded the x64 installer: ImageMagick-6.5.9-1-Q16-windows-x64-static.exe

However, this doesn't have the option for automatically installing PerlMagick.

I next tried the Win32 dynamic installer: ImageMagick-6.5.9-1-Q16-windows-dll.exe

This had the option to install PerlMagick, but perl package manager reported the pdd didn't have the correct files for my architecture.

I edited the Image-Magick.pdd to have my correct architecture, and that unpacked correctly.

However, now it won't run the demo's as it complains that I'm trying to run Win32 dll's on an x64 machine.

Any ideas please anyone?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Problems installing perlmagick on server 2008

Posted: 2010-02-04T07:20:44-07:00
by serenissima

Well, I've got around the problem by uninstalling x64 activeperl and installing the win32 version. Then I re-installed the win32 version of imagemagick.

I still had to go into the perlmagick directory and manually install the image-magick.ppd, but after that, it seems to be working fine.

Is there a full x64 version of imagemagick able to work over perl 64 though?

Re: Problems installing perlmagick on server 2008

Posted: 2010-02-04T07:43:52-07:00
by magick
We distribute a 64-bit static release of ImageMagick for Windows but with a 32-bit Perl install. We already generate 6 different binary ImageMagick releases for Windows and we do not anticipate adding any more flavors of the release anytime soon. Since ImageMagick is open source you can build your own release from source to suit your requirements.