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Re: how remove date-time stamp from jpg photo?

Posted: 2015-11-11T03:24:16-07:00
by Rob Rutten
Removed, I found I had inadvertently done this twice.

Re: how remove date-time stamp from jpg photo?

Posted: 2015-11-12T05:58:38-07:00
by Rob Rutten
I closed my weblink and therefore post the resulting working .csh script here (the lines after each convert command must
be concatenated into a single line; I don't how to cut and paste such). Snibgo, many thanks!

Code: Select all


# make the stamp characters transparent
### adapt region and colors
## colors and region below were measured manually (using gimp) by "snibgo"
convert -alpha opaque -region 970x110+2780+2525 -fuzz 10% -transparent black -transparent \#fba420 -transparent \#c08000 -transparent \#b1832d -transparent \#b15000 -transparent \#ad4e00 -transparent \#731e00 -transparent \#805000 -transparent \#402800 -transparent \#2d0000 $1 removestamptemp.png

# now replace the transparant px with sourroundings 
### adapt size at bottom
convert removestamptemp.png \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) \( +clone -resize 90.9091% \) -layers RemoveDups -filter Gaussian -resize "4000x3000!"  -background None -compose DstOver -layers merge -alpha opaque $2

# rewrite the original exif header (taken off by resize)
exiftool -q -all= -overwrite_original_in_place -tagsfromfile $1 -exif:all $2

# cleanup
rm -f removestamptemp.png

Re: how remove date-time stamp from jpg photo?

Posted: 2018-08-18T09:39:18-07:00
by zbrozo
Hello, thanks to yours scripts and advices I've created my own automated solution to remove stamp date from photos (unfortunately my camera added such stamp date on my holidays). Anyway I would like to add snibgo's "fillholes" solution as it is described in previous posts. I've compiled ImageMagick and added snibgo's filter sources (from his website) to filters directory and updated but Configure and later make don't see such change. I try it on Mint Linux and Imagemagick is 6.9.10 ( also I've tried with 7.0.8 ). What do I do wrong?

Re: how remove date-time stamp from jpg photo?

Posted: 2018-08-18T10:20:28-07:00
by snibgo
wrote:... don't see such change. I try it on Mint Linux and Imagemagick is 6.9.10 ( also I've tried with 7.0.8 ). What do I do wrong?
What does that mean?

What does "convert -list module" say? It should list any modules you have added. If it does, then you can use them. If it doesn't, then what did your "make" say? Did it list the modules as it compiled each one?

Re: how remove date-time stamp from jpg photo?

Posted: 2018-08-18T10:53:18-07:00
by zbrozo
I still have only analyze module in filters' .libs and .deps:

tomek@bonobo1:~/im/filters/.libs$ ls
analyze.exp analyze.lai analyze.ver filters_analyze_la-analyze.o
tomek@bonobo1:~/im/filters/.deps$ ls
filters_analyze_la-analyze.Plo magick_libMagickCore_6_Q16HDRI_la-analyze.Plo

It seems for me like build doesn't see other modules - I don't know why. Even if I used your in "filters" directory and then executed:

./configure --enable-hdri --with-rsvg=yes --disable-docs --with-modules=yes

Did it list the modules as it compiled each one?
No, only analyze is on the list while compilation:

CC coders/coders_x_la-x.lo
CCLD coders/
CC coders/coders_xwd_la-xwd.lo
CCLD coders/
CC filters/filters_analyze_la-analyze.lo
CCLD filters/
CXX Magick++/lib/Magick___lib_libMagick___6_Q16HDRI_la-Blob.lo
CXX Magick++/lib/Magick___lib_libMagick___6_Q16HDRI_la-BlobRef.lo

Re: how remove date-time stamp from jpg photo?

Posted: 2018-08-18T11:03:45-07:00
by snibgo
Did you do automake and autoconf first, before ./configure?

Re: how remove date-time stamp from jpg photo?

Posted: 2018-08-19T04:51:02-07:00
by zbrozo
You are right, I didn't make automake and autoconf - thanks a lot for help. I've managed to compile fillholes. I've noticed on version IM 6.9.10 that a few modules don't compile, there were some errors so I just excluded them.

I see that fillholes method takes more time per jpg than method with Gaussian filter :)

Now I have to wait to finish processing of all the photos... but I see that on already processed photos effect is much better with "fillholes" filter... incredible :)

Thank you once again!