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How can i load a image via streaming?

Posted: 2008-06-23T03:51:48-07:00
by kustom
Hi to all,

im encapsuling MagickWand to use in my own system, but i have a big problem...

when i try to do lot of operations over the same image i get forced to load and save the file images contantly.... :(

for example, i use this function:

void ImageResize( const char *pszFileNameInput, int iWidht, int iHeight, const char *pszFileNameOutput )
MagickWand *pWand = NewMagickWand();
MagickReadImage( pWand, pszFileNameInput );
MagickResizeImage( pWand, iWidht, iHeight, BoxFilter, 1.0F );
MagickWriteImage( pWand, pszFileNameOutput );
pWand = DestroyMagickWand( pWand );

i would need something like....

void ImageResize( BYTE *pFileInput, int iWidht, int iHeight, BYTE *pFileOutput)

thanks in advance
