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Distribution on Windows

Posted: 2008-08-17T10:54:54-07:00
by trentg
I compiled IM with MinGW/MSYS and I can load and display images using the Magick++ program interface. My problem is that I will need to distribute ImageMagick dlls (MagickCore and MagickWand), but I also need to distribute "coders". So my question is, where do I put these "coders" for distribution?

Re: Distribution on Windows

Posted: 2008-08-17T13:14:14-07:00
by magick
To build a distribution of ImageMagick under Linux / Mac OS X / MinGW that is portable, use these commands:
  • cd ImageMagick-6.4.2
    ./configure --disable-shared --disable-installed --prefix=/tmp/ImageMagick
    make install
You will now find a portable distribution of ImageMagick in the /tmp/ImageMagick folder. Now type,
  • cd /tmp/ImageMagick
    export MAGICK_HOME=/tmp/ImageMagick
    bin/convert -debug configure logo: logo.png
You can keep the folder heirarchy as is or move all the ImageMagick files into one folder (*.exe, *.xml, *.a, etc.). If you do that, type
  • convert -debug configure logo: logo.png
to verify ImageMagick locates its configuration files.