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MagickNet: No decode delegate error

Posted: 2009-02-25T14:26:30-07:00
by Nivek

First of all, I know this is not the "official" forum to support MagickNet but since the author is MIA, you guys are the closest thing to support I'll get for now. I'm trying to get an MagickNet.Image from a memory stream and i keep having the "no decode delegate for this image format `' @ " error each time. I've tried a couple of other image format to no avail. Glancing around the forums, it seems I don't have the correct decoder (delegate) to instanciate the object. I ran the identify command with the list and my image format are in there. I've installed ImageMagick with the latest binaries for windows and I followed the instructions provide in the "tutorial" on magicknet website.

Here is a sample code in C#

Code: Select all

MemoryStream mestr = new MemoryStream();

this.bitmapImage.Save(mestr, ImageFormat.Bmp);

MagickNet.Image img = new MagickNet.Image(mestr);
I get the same error with the img.Read(mestr) command

Any pointer would be appreciated


Re: MagickNet: No decode delegate error

Posted: 2009-02-26T10:55:30-07:00
by Nivek
For what it's worth, MagickNet does not support the MemoryStream object. Doing the same operation but getting the bitmap on disk works...