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Where To Find Information??

Posted: 2010-09-06T04:08:20-07:00
by typomaniac
Hi, I am curious if anyone knows where I might be able to locate any tutorials/code examples/scripts, etc., for PerlMagic. What I'm looking for is information I can use for CGI/Perl scripts for web programming. Seems like finding this type of information is on the difficult side. Thanks--->Have a great day. :)

Re: Where To Find Information??

Posted: 2010-10-01T05:40:49-07:00
by anthony
I second that.

At this time the only information I know of is the Perl Magick API documentation page, and the small 'demo' scripts.

I don't do a lot of perlMagick scripting, but have done some, mostly for searching for image duplicates in a vast library of images, collected from the web. duplicates may have been resized, recolored, partially shaved, spamed, and bordered. But most of my IM work is with the Command Line Interface, which is unsuitable for handling large numebrs of images in this way.

I created the "" demo script to demonstrate how you can perform 'fx' like operations in perl, but it is using a very slow "get and process one pixel at a time" method. I have not been able to work out a perl version of "get a scanline at a time" method that is more typically done in the Magick Core C library for implementing processes. It is something I would like to know how to do.

If anyone else can shed some light on, or know of other PerlMagick references, demos, or snippets. I would also be grateful.