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Use of command line label:@ syntax with Windows

Posted: 2011-05-25T01:22:24-07:00
by sja45uk
At ... ick6/text/ Antony uses label:@/etc/modt for one of the examples. I have translated the code as label:@modt.txt and created a local modt.txt file to hold the Message of The Day, but all I get is @modt.txt in the label_file.gif. I am using ImageMagick 6.6.2 under Windows 7 and the ImageMagick documentation seems to imply that ImageMagick will support Unix-like command line features under Windows. Please can someone explain what I am doing wrong and point me at any advice on translating ImageMagick examples for use with Windows. BTW I have already found that in Anthony's examples a single-quote must be changed to a double-quote.
Thanks Steve

Re: Use of command line label:@ syntax with Windows

Posted: 2011-05-25T09:05:16-07:00
by whugemann
The label syntax works just fine under Windows, too, see ... r_encoding. Try also

Code: Select all

Convert test.png -pointsize %ps% -fill %color% -gravity %gravity% -annotate +0+0 @title.txt test_with_label.png
with %...% being some previous set environment variables. This works definitively; I use it daily.