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Learning to compile ImageMagickObject.dll, where to start ?

Posted: 2011-08-08T08:43:12-07:00
by Werty

Where should I start looking to learn how to compile a COM+ ImageMagickObject.dll ?


I have no experience with C++, only glanced at some code occasionally, I do have experience with other programming languages though.

I would like to make the ImageMagickObject.dll as small as possible, excluding all the stuff I dont need for my application, leaving mostly Convert and what it does, with bmp, jpg, gif and tiff formats.

Are the Trial versions of Visual Studio capable of making that, or do they have limitations that would prevent it ? And what version should I download ? ultimate, premium or pro ? (buying VS is a no go, the pricetag is way beyond what I can afford), are there other alternatives ?

So basically, I dont need to learn C++ just yet, just how to compile the IM source into a COM+ DLL as the one already available, but which is too large for my purpose.

Any hints/tips on where to start ?
