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Highlights and Shadows...

Posted: 2013-03-06T08:07:18-07:00
by dognose
I'm trying to reproduce this effect from picasa.

As demo'd in youtube.

The highlights increases the brighter colors
the shadows makes darker colors darker..

it seems to do it somewhat evenly.. or should I say proprotionally.

Re: Highlights and Shadows...

Posted: 2013-03-06T10:30:13-07:00
by fmw42
just use -sigmoidal-contrast Ax50% to equally adjust the darks darker and the brights brighter or +sigmiodal-contrast Ax50%to go the other way. where A is your adjustment amount.

If you want to adjust them separately, use +-sigmoidal-contrast Ax0% and +-sigmoidal-contrast Ax100%

You can see this interactively in the non-linear filter in the tone category (as brightness and contrast sliders) at

You can see examples of this in my web page for my bash script, sigmoidal, at the link below.

You can also do something with +-levels in three regions as in my script, balance. You can see that interactively in the linear filter in the tone category (as midtones, hightlights and shadows sliders) on

Re: Highlights and Shadows...

Posted: 2013-03-06T14:38:09-07:00
by dognose
Oh, thank you, that's perfect.

I'm finally understanding that command!

It seems that everyone has different namings of these actions.

Re: Highlights and Shadows...

Posted: 2013-03-06T15:13:57-07:00
by fmw42
Yes that is true. I also have a script called dualtonemap that does something similar, though a slightly different approach than the two others I mentioned. I am sure there are many variations to this kind of operation and each one may use a different approach be it linear or non-linear. Photoshop has another variation.