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Watermarking problem

Posted: 2016-06-05T08:33:32-07:00
by life24
How can watermark a color image inside a gray scale image?

Re: Watermarking problem

Posted: 2016-06-05T10:56:56-07:00
by fmw42

It does not matter if one image is gray and the other is color (either way)

Code: Select all

convert grayimage colorimage -compose dissolve \ 
-define compose:args={src_percent},{dst_percent} \ 
-composite result

Re: Watermarking problem

Posted: 2016-06-10T14:33:38-07:00
by life24
Thank you,but i think after your solution,grayscale image will be colorful.

Re: Watermarking problem

Posted: 2016-06-10T17:53:51-07:00
by fmw42
If you put a color watermark on a grayscale image, the result must be sRGB and not grayscale, since there is some color in the picture. You cannot keep the result as grayscale.

If you want a grayscale result, either add -colorspace gray at the end before the output or use a grayscale version of the watermark image