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Convert Watermark Bash Script to CLI Command

Posted: 2016-12-07T09:16:20-07:00
by buchert
How do I convert this watermark bash script to a CLI command? I don't need YAD (Yet Another Dialog) to work with it, so that can be taken out. And it doesn't need to work on multiple files.

Code: Select all

command -v convert >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "I require convert, but it's not installed. aborting!";exit 1;}
command -v identify >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "I require identify, but it's not installed. aborting!";exit 1;}
command -v bc >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "I require bc, but it's not installed. aborting!";exit 1;}
basedir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${1}")")"
cd "$basedir"
caption=$(yad --entry --editable --no-buttons --width 410 \
	--title="Please enter your caption and press enter:")
if [ -z "$caption" ]; then
	printf "no caption was selected, aborting!\n"
	exit 1
printf "caption is $caption\n"
if [ ! -d "$basedir"/backups ]; then
	mkdir -p "$basedir"/backups
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
	if [ -s "$file" ]; then
		cp -f "$file" backups
		export imagesize=$(identify -format "%w,%h" "$file")
		export imagewidth=$(echo "$imagesize" | cut -f1 -d',')
		export imageheight=$(echo "$(echo "$imagesize" | cut -f2 -d',')*0.06000" | bc)
		convert -background '#000000' -fill white -gravity center \
		-size $(echo $imagewidth)x$(echo $imageheight) caption:"$caption" \
		"$file" +swap -gravity south -composite "$file" && \
		printf "\n$file watermarked successfully\n"

Re: Convert Watermark Bash Script to CLI Command

Posted: 2016-12-07T10:54:09-07:00
by Bonzo
So basically you just want a piece of code to add a text watermark an image?

Have you tried a search on the forum?

Re: Convert Watermark Bash Script to CLI Command

Posted: 2016-12-07T12:16:50-07:00
by buchert
I want these exact settings though. I've used this bash script a lot and like it.

Re: Convert Watermark Bash Script to CLI Command

Posted: 2016-12-07T12:19:04-07:00
by buchert
This is the main code:

Code: Select all

convert -background '#000000' -fill white -gravity center \
      -size $(echo $imagewidth)x$(echo $imageheight) caption:"$caption" \
      "$file" +swap -gravity south -composite "$file"
But I need the command to find the dimensions of the input, so the watermark will be place at the bottom center.

Re: Convert Watermark Bash Script to CLI Command

Posted: 2016-12-07T12:32:30-07:00
by Bonzo
It will be simpler if you can update to a 7 version of Imagemagick - all on one line.

Re: Convert Watermark Bash Script to CLI Command

Posted: 2016-12-07T15:02:42-07:00
by fmw42
In IM 6, you will have to find the dimensions in a separate command. In IM 7 you can do it all in one command.

IM 6

Code: Select all

dim=$(convert "$file" -format "%wx%h" info:)
convert "$file" \
\( -background '#000000' -fill white -gravity center -size $dim caption:"$caption"\)  \
-gravity south -composite "$file"
IM 7

Code: Select all

magick "$file" -set option:dim "%wx%h"\
\( -background '#000000' -fill white -gravity center -size "%[dim]" caption:"$caption"\)  \
-gravity south -composite "$file"
You may also want to add -trim after the caption to remove extra white space

Re: Convert Watermark Bash Script to CLI Command

Posted: 2016-12-07T15:10:54-07:00
by Bonzo
I did not know you could do -set option:dim fmw42 I would have probably done something like -size "%wx%h" - untested

Re: Convert Watermark Bash Script to CLI Command

Posted: 2016-12-07T15:22:56-07:00
by snibgo
-size "%wx%h" would also probably work here. For example, this works:

Code: Select all

magick rose: -size %wx%h gradient: info:

Re: Convert Watermark Bash Script to CLI Command

Posted: 2016-12-07T15:56:36-07:00
by fmw42
I was not sure if it would get the size of the input image or the text image and I did not test. So I played it safe.

Re: Convert Watermark Bash Script to CLI Command

Posted: 2016-12-08T22:37:02-07:00
by anthony
I am glad to see the additions to make percent escapes more global starting to get good use!

Re: Convert Watermark Bash Script to CLI Command

Posted: 2016-12-09T10:17:04-07:00
by Bonzo
Yes it is very useful Anthony and cuts down the amount of code.

Re: Convert Watermark Bash Script to CLI Command

Posted: 2016-12-12T11:21:06-07:00
by buchert
I have ImageMagick 7.0.3-7 Q16 x64 installed:

magick -version
Version: ImageMagick 7.0.3-7 Q16 x64 2016-11-15
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2015 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Visual C++: 180040629
Features: Cipher DPC Modules OpenMP
Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo flif freetype jng jp2 jpeg lcms lqr openexr pangocairo png ps rsvg tiff webp xml zlib

I tried this code:

Code: Select all

magick "$file" -set option:dim "%wx%h"\
\( -background '#000000' -fill white -gravity center -size "%[dim]" caption:"$caption"\)  \
-gravity south -composite "$file"
and after executing the command just hangs and doesn't do anything.

When replacing both instances of "$file" with the actual name of the input file and desired output file with this command:

Code: Select all

magick butterfly.jpg -set option:dim "%wx%h"\
\( -background '#000000' -fill white -gravity center -size "%[dim]" caption:"$caption"\)  \
-gravity south -composite butterflydone.jpg
it gives me these results:

Input image:


Output image:


I tried with -trim added to the command:

Code: Select all

magick butterfly.jpg -set option:dim "%wx%h"\
\( -background '#000000' -fill white -gravity center -size "%[dim]" caption:"$caption"\) -trim  \
-gravity south -composite butterflydone.jpg
and it gives me this output:


Ideally I'd like the watermark to give me an output like this:


That was creating using the original watermarking bash script.
fmw42 wrote: IM 7

Code: Select all

magick "$file" -set option:dim "%wx%h"\
\( -background '#000000' -fill white -gravity center -size "%[dim]" caption:"$caption"\)  \
-gravity south -composite "$file"
You may also want to add -trim after the caption to remove extra white space

Re: Convert Watermark Bash Script to CLI Command

Posted: 2016-12-12T11:49:32-07:00
by fmw42
There must be spaces after \( and before \) and before ending \. You have not conformed.
magick "$file" -set option:dim "%wx%h"\
\( -background '#000000' -fill white -gravity center -size "%[dim]" caption:"$caption"\) \
-gravity south -composite "$file"

Code: Select all

magick "$file" -set option:dim "%wx%h" \
\( -background '#000000' -fill white -gravity center -size "%[dim]" caption:"$caption" \) \
-gravity south -composite "$file"

Re: Convert Watermark Bash Script to CLI Command

Posted: 2016-12-12T11:57:50-07:00
by fmw42
Try this to get what you want in your last example.

Code: Select all

magick butterfly.jpg \
\( -background '#000000' -fill white -gravity center -size "x30" label:"Testing" \) \
-gravity south -background black -append butterfly_wm.jpg

Code: Select all

magick butterfly.jpg -set option:dim "%w" \
\( -background '#000000' -fill white -gravity center -size "%[dim]x30" label:"Testing" \) \
-gravity south -composite butterfly_wm.jpg

Re: Convert Watermark Bash Script to CLI Command

Posted: 2016-12-13T02:12:38-07:00
by buchert
Thanks, but this doesn't work. The command hangs and doesn't do anything.
fmw42 wrote:There must be spaces after \( and before \) and before ending \. You have not conformed.


Code: Select all

magick "$file" -set option:dim "%wx%h" \
\( -background '#000000' -fill white -gravity center -size "%[dim]" caption:"$caption" \) \
-gravity south -composite "$file"