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Font Copyright Questions

Posted: 2007-02-16T12:27:03-07:00
by daneyul

I'm confused about Font copyright issues as regards to ImageMagick.

On Windows, is the precompiled binary (convert.exe) using Freetype's Auto-hinting when rendering Windows True type fonts? And if so, does anyone know what version of Convert.exe stopped using the Apple patented method of hinting? (I'm actually using an older version 5.5.9 binary, which evidently used Freetype 2.12--not sure if that had auto-hinting on or not...)

If auto-hinting is NOT enabled, and the patented hinting is used instead, does that mean the IM binaries are illegal for commercial use?



Re: Font Copyright Questions

Posted: 2007-02-16T13:09:38-07:00
by magick
You can grab the ImageMagick Windows source distribution to determine which hinting is turned on/off by looking at the Freetype configuration files. Have fun.