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ImageMagick spins when File does not exist

Posted: 2007-03-26T14:18:06-07:00
by PaulLassoSup

I wasn't sure, if this was the correct place to put this. Please forgive me, if it is not.

I'm trying to build ImageMagick on Mac OS X 10.4.9. Everything seems to build correctly, including all the delegates.

I'm not the actual developer, so please forgive my ignorance (I'm just the QA guy :). We are using the MagickCore API to call various functions in the IM library, which runs in-process. However, IM just sits and spins when the function below is called and file does not exist, eventually causing our application to crash.

image = ReadImage ( info, &exception );

Am I doing something wrong? I can provide more info, if it is need.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Re: ImageMagick spins when File does not exist

Posted: 2007-03-27T21:50:31-07:00
by anthony
A little bit more is probably a good idea. 'info' should be a string that either creates an image or reads one in. If it is a '-' it will read stdin which will probably hang if nothing is feeding it data.

Re: ImageMagick spins when File does not exist

Posted: 2007-03-28T12:51:48-07:00
by PaulLassoSup

I don't know, if this will help. However, I've narrowed down the issue to when IM calls this function:
(void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"...");

The issue occurs when the file does not exist, the file is a ULD file (when using it directly on uploaded files), and and certain tif files. That function never seems to return.

Any ideas?


Re: ImageMagick spins when File does not exist

Posted: 2007-03-28T13:08:15-07:00
by magick
Can you post a minimal set of code that we can download, compile, and run to reproduce the problem? Your description suggests there may be a deadly embrace in the logging method.

Re: ImageMagick spins when File does not exist

Posted: 2007-03-30T09:15:24-07:00
by PaulLassoSup
Thank you. I'll get that together as soon as I can. Here is the relevant part of the crash log on OSX. I thought it might help.


Thread 16 Crashed:
0 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291d35a LogMagickEventList + 12 (log.c:1094)
1 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291e27c LogMagickEvent + 55 (log.c:1228)
2 libMagick.10.dylib 0x02993682 GetXMLTreeTag + 130 (xml-tree.c:942)
3 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b455 TraverseLocaleMap + 88 (locale.c:751)
4 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
5 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
6 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
7 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
8 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
9 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
10 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
11 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
12 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
13 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
14 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
15 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
16 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
17 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
18 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
19 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
20 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
21 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
22 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
23 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
24 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
25 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
26 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
27 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
28 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
29 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
30 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
31 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
32 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
33 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
34 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
35 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
36 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
37 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
38 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
39 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
40 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
41 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
42 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
43 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
44 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
45 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
46 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b4d2 TraverseLocaleMap + 213 (locale.c:805)
47 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b4d2 TraverseLocaleMap + 213 (locale.c:805)
48 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
49 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
50 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
51 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
52 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
53 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
54 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
55 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
56 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
57 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
58 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b506 TraverseLocaleMap + 265 (locale.c:808)
59 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b4d2 TraverseLocaleMap + 213 (locale.c:805)
60 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291b4d2 TraverseLocaleMap + 213 (locale.c:805)
61 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291ba42 LoadLocaleList + 602 (locale.c:893)
62 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291bd93 GetLocaleInfo_ + 508 (locale.c:961)
63 libMagick.10.dylib 0x0291bef6 GetLocaleMessage + 125 (locale.c:433)
64 libMagick.10.dylib 0x028f56e7 GetLocaleExceptionMessage + 97 (exception.c:561)
65 libMagick.10.dylib 0x028f6409 ThrowMagickExceptionList + 62 (exception.c:950)
66 libMagick.10.dylib 0x028f61f5 ThrowMagickException + 69 (exception.c:980)
67 libWand.10.dylib 0x0169019c MogrifyImageCommand + 85497 (mogrify.c:4430)
68 ImageTag.dylib 0x000dab99 im_transform(void*, int) + 2785
69 Lasso 0x0112ac09 var_code_t_::Execute(LPExecState*, int, _opaque_pthread_t**) const + 4397
70 Lasso 0x010ad297 LPInvokeInstance(LPExecState*, Variant const*, bool, int) + 1523
71 Lasso 0x010aefd4 LPExecuteBytes(LPExecState*) + 4966
72 Lasso 0x0112b871 var_code_t_::Execute(LPExecState*, int, _opaque_pthread_t**) const + 7573
73 Lasso 0x010ad297 LPInvokeInstance(LPExecState*, Variant const*, bool, int) + 1523
74 Lasso 0x011b57c0 process(void*, int) + 1426
75 Lasso 0x0112ac09 var_code_t_::Execute(LPExecState*, int, _opaque_pthread_t**) const + 4397
76 Lasso 0x010ad297 LPInvokeInstance(LPExecState*, Variant const*, bool, int) + 1523
77 Lasso 0x010b5182 LPExecuteBytes(LPExecState*) + 29972
78 Lasso 0x0112b871 var_code_t_::Execute(LPExecState*, int, _opaque_pthread_t**) const + 7573
79 Lasso 0x010ad297 LPInvokeInstance(LPExecState*, Variant const*, bool, int) + 1523
80 Lasso 0x0108e2c0 LPDocumentRec::Execute(LPExecState*, bool, Variant*, Variant*) + 420
81 Lasso 0x0106b595 Lasso::FormulateResponse(Request*, Variant*) + 309
82 Lasso 0x010669b1 Lasso::FormatBasedOnError(Request*, osError, Variant*) + 559
83 Lasso 0x01067c8a Lasso::ProcessRequestNew(Request*) + 4054
84 Lasso 0x0106a75e Lasso::RunSession(WebConnector*) + 476
85 Lasso 0x0106b459 Lasso::thread_start(void*) + 33
86 Lasso 0x010f8270 os_entry(void*) + 90
87 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90023d87 _pthread_body + 84